Moving and setting up

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Chapter One


I wake up one day and my parents tell me we are moving from my small cozy little home town and are going to a old people city with rich kids with money and good private schools and terrible public schools for middle school yay moving at eleven  and don't get to celebrate my last birthday with everyone I know before we move so the day before my last day of school before moving I had the flu so i couldn't say goodbye to my Girlfriend because she left early to visit her grandmother who was sick so saying goodbye to my friends and favorite teacher's. And on the road I go alone exept for family I get into classic rock and blues because it reminds me of my mess of emotions I never new that you could have a worse pain than losing my babi it still hurts me inside when I go back to my hometown dont get to see her just look at old memories now being despair to me. The last thing I remember her texting me "sorry this cant work out love ya Jacob -Katy".

Chapter Two


First day of school meet a kid named Lucas nice and my first friend figured out that this school is behind in curriculum so i breeze through school but socially im antisocial a couple of months later andgot a few friends Luci ,Savy, Kalcy, Malinda, Carter, Lucas and Rodger. Met every one accept Luci, Carter ,and Lucas from aftercare and is odd that I cannot find anyone else that likes me and I start to wonder if these people are only trying to make me feel better because no one really likes me.

Chapter Three


Like usual staying in my room and never happy and just looking at my phone or my wall nothing could cheer me up but one thing a person to trust. Trust, something that is hard for me to do here is an example I cannot sleep without my door being locked  because I do not trust my parents or my brother to lock any of the doors in our house and plus my neighbors were robbed by some thugs 2 months ago. To be continued... tomorrow

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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