Honey Lemon

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I still remember the day we met. It was August 17th, two weeks before my 14th birthday. It was a nice night out in the town where I lived. The sky was glittering with stars and the air was fresh and clean. I was planning on meeting up with my friends that night, but on the way there... I got lost.

     I found myself on a street I'd never remembered being on, surrounded by houses I didn't reckognize. I was young, I was stupid, and I probably had a touch of too much sun during the day. But when I came up with what I thought was a crazy idea and actually put it to action, I didn't regret it.

     Since I couldn't tell where I was or even vaguely where I could possible be, I decided to climb up a tree so that I could look over the neighborhood. I chose a tree close by to a house that looked somewhat safe. I scaled the tree quietly and with nimble feet from limb to limb; I was a really good climber. When I got to the top I looked around, but there were branches in my way. I was at the same level as the roof beside me, so I chose to go there.

     The roof was flat in one part. A perfect place for landing. I stood up on the branch that I was on and let go of any of the branches surrounding me. I was relying on my balance now. I bent my legs, and jumped, swinging my arms forward to propell me. I spread out my arms right before landing, which I did by stretching my left foot a little farther out then my right and springing down at the end.

     Thump! A perfect, almost completely quiet, jump.

     I was on the roof of the second floor of a house. The tiles were gray. If anyone saw me from up here I probably looked like the silhouette of a robber. I had to hurry. Quickly, I climbed a little way up to a higher part of the roof and looked around. Oh, I was pretty sure I knew this place. It was a little bit to the west of the park where I would meet my two best friends. I could make it to the appointed time.

     I slid down to the flat part of the roof. When I hit the bottom I heard another thumping nose from the impact of my shoe and winced. Hopefully, no one had heard.

     But someone had.

     A few seconds later I heard a window opening. I froze. Oh no, the sound came from between me and the tree. How would I get down from here?

     "Hello?" A young, soft voice asked. "Is anyone there?"

     I inched towards the edge of the roof, curious to see who had spoken. It was a girl, a girl my age, wearing her night gown. Her long blonde hair was let down and in the moonlight looked like a cascade (or should I say slightly messy cascade?) of waterfalling crystal. Her head turned and her big gray looked up at me. I couldn't help but wonder what she thought of the boy above her.

     I had mussy, red hair, an ordinary, slightly upturned nose, blue eyes, and freckles. Could she see that in the moonlight? Could she see my dirty clothes? Who did she she staring down at her?

     The girl took in a sharp breath. "Peter?" She asked. What? How did she know my name?

     "Uh, yes?" I wasn't very sure how to respond. Who was she?

     "Peter - Peter Pan?" She clarified. I almost fell off the roof right then and there. So that was who she saw staring down at her.

     "Er, no," I answered. "I'm afraid I'm not that Peter." I thought she would be disappointed but she wasn't. She smiled up at me.

     "I understand Peter, but not Peter Pan - Peter." I certainly hoped she did. "May I ask what you are doing on my roof?"

     "Oh, this is your roof." Way to ace that, Peter. "I'm, uh, just... checking on it to make sure it will be safe for Saint Nicholas for the holidays. You know, can't leave all the work to the big man." Smooth, Peter, real smooth. The girl laughed softly.

Honey LemonWhere stories live. Discover now