Alex From Target 4: What The Fuck Is Going On

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It was a long drive to California.

I tried to sleep in the backseat, but I couldn't. However Alex assumed I had dozed off. People do weird things when they think no one's listening.

In this case, it's singing to Taylor Swift at the top of your lungs.

"Are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods yet are we out of the woods? Are we in the clear yet are we in the clear yet..."

He was a shitty singer, too.

My ears couldn't take it any longer.

"You know I can hear you, right?" I said. Inside I was thinking: shut the fuck up you shady-ass drug dealer like what the fuck?

"Um." he said awkwardly.

I laughed it off, and attempted to fall asleep once more. But the road was to bumpy and I couldn't stop thinking about everything that had just happened.

Daquan and Shaniqua were dead. I looked back on it as a missed opportunity. I mean, we were all doing each other. Think of the possibilities!

Ok that's really fucked up.

We stopped for burritos at Taco Bell.

"Hello! I'm Daniel from Taco Bell and I'll be your server tonight."

Daniel from Taco Bell wasn't nearly as hot as Alex from Target.

Like, I literally could not get over how hot Alex was.

And tall. He was a motherfuckin' sexy moose. (Bam supernatural reference hell yeah)

We ate our food and got back on the road. The further away we got from that Target in Texas the better.

We arrived in a small coastal town around 3:00 am. None if the motels were open, so we slept in the car.

"I love you, Alex." I said.

"I love you too, Sara."

"If we get married can my name be Sara from Target? Or does it not work that way?"

"No, it works that way."

"Sara from Target, I like the sound if that. Hey I have a question."


"Are you a drug dealer?"


"Are you sure? You look like a drug dealer. You smell like a drug dealer."

"Nag that's my cologne."

"It smells like your period." (Aliyah I put that in there for you)

"Guys don't get periods."

"Are you sure?"



"What the fuck are we talking about?"

"I don't know. The author if this book is a shitty writer so yeah."

"At least she has good taste in music. Most of her friends don't."

"Yeah they like 5sos. Saying 5sos is punk is like saying Katy Perry is death metal."

"We should get married."


"This book sucks."

"5sos sucks."

"True." that was the last thing we said before I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up early and scrawled a note to Alex. Went to get coffee. Be back soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2014 ⏰

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