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They make it back to the Toretto household before Leon and Letty take off to who knows where.

"You want to explain why you have the same last name as him?" Dom asks Natalie as he gets out of the charger having brought it out of the garage.

"He's my brother," Natalie answers. Dom then punches the garage door in anger. "I swear to you, Dom. I did not know he was a cop. I haven't seen him since we were 15."

"I'm sorry," Dom says with a sigh before pulling Nat into a hug. "I love you."

"I love you," Nat says before she kisses him. "You need to go find Jesse before Tran does. I'll look out for Mia." Dom decides to go find Jesse while Nat tries to calm Mia down.

"Dom, put the gun down now!" Nat hears Brian yell.

"Move your car," Dom yells back.

"No bullshit! Put it down now! No more running!" Brian yells at him.

"I'm not running!" Dom yells back.

"Where's Leon and Letty?" Brian asks him.

"They're long gone!" Dom tells him.

"Then it's over. I didn't call the police, but don't push me! Put the gun down. I swear to God!" Brian yells as they walk towards each other.

"You are the cop! You're a cop!Brian, I got to find Jesse before they do. I'm all the kid's got," Dom tells Brian as Mia and Nat walk out onto the porch.

"I'll call in the plates. PD will pick him up way before Johnny even gets near him," Brian says.

"Move your car," Dom says as he cocks his shotgun.

"Dom, stop it! It's over. Please," Mia yells at him.

"Mia, stay out of it!" Dom yells back as the Jetta pulls up. "Dominic, I am so sorry. I don't know what I'm doing, Dom," Jesse says as he gets out of the car. Dom drops his gun and Brian lowers his. "I'm so scared right now. I don't know what's going on."

"What were you thinking, man?" Dom asks him.

"I don't know! I panicked! I'm sorry. I'm scared! I don't know what I'm doing! Will you please help me?" Jesse answers him as Dom, Nat, and Brian all turn their heads at the sound of motorcycles. Tran and Lance start shooting at them causing Brian to duck behind his car. Nat pulls Mia down on the porch as Dom crawls across the yard towards Jesse who stands there.

"Dom! Jesse!" Mia yells from the porch. As they drive off Dom reaches Jesse and pulls him into his arms.

"No, Jesse!" Mia yells as she drops beside them and places Jesse's head in her lap. Brian takes off after Tran and Lance.

"No, Dom, no!" Nat yells as Dom runs to his car and takes off.

Brian hits his first NOS to make sure he catches up to them before they start shooting at him. Brian is able to shoot at them but misses. Lance cuts off down a hill before coming back up behind Brian. Dom comes out of nowhere and slams into Lance which sends him flying down a hill. Tran starts firing at Brian again before Brian comes to a stop and shoots at Tran hitting him. Brian runs over to see if Tran is alive before Dom shows up at the top of a hill.

"Call 911. You call 911!" Brian tells a guy nearby before chasing after Dom. They come to a red light and stop.

"I used to drag here back in high school. That railroad crossing up there is exactly a quarter mile away from here. On green, I'm going for it," Dom says before they both start revving their engines. The light turns green and Dom takes off in a wheelie. Dom quickly gets in front of Brian as he touches the ground again. Brian has to use his NOS to keep up. Brian sees a train up ahead before looking over a Dom, who simply speeds up. Seeing that Dom isn't going to stop, Brian hits his NOS and they both jump the track just missing getting hit by the train. They look at each other and smile before Dom runs into a semi truck causing him to start flipping. The car stops flipping straight up.

"Dom!" Brian yells as he gets out of his car. Brian finds Dom breathing heavily.

"That's not what I had in mind," Dom says before he gets out of the car with a messed up shoulder. Dom leans against the car in defeat as they hear the sirens in the distance. Brian pulls his keys out of his pocket and hands them to Dom. "You know what you're doing?" Dom takes the keys from him.

"I owe you a 10-second car and you've taken care of my sister when I couldn't," Brian says before Dom takes the car and goes. Brian watches him drive off before turning to wait for the cops.

1 year later

Natalie is driving by the beach in Mexico as she tries to find Dom.

"I live my life a quarter mile at a time. Nothing else matters. For those 10 seconds or less, I'm free."


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