Based on a true story . . .

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So I wanted to write this down because I can. Memories I wanted to remember. So, read it or not, I don't care, I'm still posting it. Here it is - _ - _ - _ - 

~ Author-chan


Friday, October 11th, 2019

Jailyn's Perspective (Me XD)

"You didn't have to sit down, Jailyn." My mom said as she entered the restroom behind me, going into the stall adjacent of mine.

I rolled my eyes. "Well, I'm sorry I don't know how to pee in the air."

She didn't say anything.

"I bet your pee is splattering all over the toilet seat." I continued.

She still didn't respond.

"I ain't no Superman." I chuckled.

"Ya, Jailyn." She said, scoffing.

"I might as well grow a sausage and pee like that." I finished.

"Oh my gosh ya no puedo." She said, before finishing up her business and leaving the restroom.


I watched as Raulito put his dirty plate on top of Mom's, the Woman's, plate.

The Woman glared at him. "Porque existes eso, Leopoldo?" She asked, incredulously starting at him.

He looked confused. "Wh-What?"

"Porque pusistes tu plato abriba del mio?" She asked him again, still glaring, food in her mouth.

"W-Well, I thought y-you were done eating." He stuttered, removing his plate slowly from hers.

"Me vez que estoy comiendo, porque ases eso?" She pressed on.

"Ya, ya." He said, fully removing his plate from hers.

"Ya no lo quiero." She grumped, this time putting her plate on top of his.


"No." She interrupted, stubbornly.

"Why did you do that, Old Man?" I asked, chuckling.

"Well, I thought she was done!" He exclaimed.

"Just because there's nothing on the plate, doesn't mean she's not going to lick it." I fully laughed.

Damn. I'm funny.

She nods. "Verdad? Like, que onda?" She asked, motioning to her now non-existent plate.

LMAO. Dead.

See? I'm funny ASF and a good writer, thank you very much, please and thank you.

Anyways, vote . . . I guess, if it was pretty okay.

Thanks for reading! . . . If anyone read, to begin with.


So . . . Vote, Comment, & Share and I'll see you in the next one.


~ Author-chan Jailyn

© Mine. No stealing.

<3 ∆

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