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" out here trying to find its like that one space that you can't get to. you're going in one direction and its like you just end up stopping and starting; backpedaling and shit. its just one of those things, and there's this moment where you look up and you're like, i got it. where you plant your feet into the ground and you say, i'm ok, i'm okay here, i'm ok. i don't know. i just want where you can hear yourself breathe, alone or not alone, and everything's okay. i just want to be here. i don't know what i want. "

in which two worlds collide.


All rights reserved © 2017
;; by tyra

(( this story is going to incorporate all my fav movie/tv show characters and celebs for a plot that is VERY unrealistic !!! but im really excited for this so just go along w it !!! basically it's like a friends and parent trap cross over lmao !!! stay tuned and don't be surprised to see many familiar characters from many different shows n such. but just remember JUST BC I AM INCLUDING CHARACTERS FROM OTHER SHOWS JUST KNOW THE PLOT OF THAT SHOW WONT PERTAIN TO THIS STORY FOR THE MOST PART !!! but other than that vote and comment and enjoy !!!!! ))

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