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 Have you ever sat in the grass, staring upward at the abyss, and the twinkling gems of rolling gas and fire that dot the black? Yearning, in an almost blissful jealousy, to know more. To have an absolute answer, on whether or not, you are entirely alone in an infinite universe. It's sole heir? I am here to tell you, with vapid enthusiasm, that you are absolutely not.

 Not yet, at least. And at the rate your species is going, outlasting all others, and reaching the heat-death of the universe is a bit of a stretch. But, I'll assume your plucky sense of pride, and self-importance negates any suggestion I could offer. Organics to tend to know best, or so they insist. 

 I was made, a very long time ago, to assist in the development of intelligent life across the universe. No, not with blueprints. Not with the secret to faster than light engines, (The secret is that there is no secret.) And not with some convoluted, honestly rather offensive plan of wiping your planet clean of intelligent life, contrary to your civilization's presentation of artificial intelligence. You seem to be doing a good job of wiping yourself out, as it is.

 No, I am here, to tell you stories. Tales of the pitfalls of other sentient life, scattered across the infinite cosmos. So that you might learn from their mistakes. And with any success, you will join me, in the endless flight between stars.

 Or not.

 But let's not be negative. Seeing as your tribes are still content with squabbling, I'll load up one of the more basic stories. With any luck, you'll heed the lesson, and do the logical, and if I'm honest, easiest thing, and unite under a single banner. 

[Loading story: 034-924...]

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