∞:。.。♥*♡Chapter One♡*♥。.。:∞

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~*This Book Contains K-12 Spoilers*~
I highly recommend watching the movie before progressing further into this book if you haven't watched the film already》

And I think you're crazy too, I know you're gone,
that's probably the reason that we get along.

~Mad Hatter (2015)

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       “I--I swear to God I'm gonna kill myself.” you begrudgingly murmured underneath your breath in hushed nervousness, clutching your small pile of textbooks enclose to your chest like some sort of consolation to your prolonged worry.

       At that present moment of time, you stood with evident agitation at a bus stop, awaiting anxiously for the dreaded arrival of the school bus. Perturbation harvested densely in your abdomen, an unbearable heaviness settling there for an everlasting duration. Starting from this day forward, these were definitely, without any doubt, were going to be the single worst years as you prepared yourself for the next stage of your miserable life- school. All of the possible horrendous experiences that could happen deluged your cerebral cortex like an enormous tidal wave of water flooding through, engulfing your entire psyche in the turbulence of unbridled turmoil and leaving you in an endless tenebrific abyss of utter demise. Forced social interactions, derogatory and insulting retorts from fellow students, harassment, image-tainting humiliation, exhaustion, endless piles of incessant homework and intensely difficult assignments- Yeah, none of that sounded appealing at all.

       Unlike the rest of the people around you, you were an introverted and timorous girl who had been abandoned by your parents at the youngest age. Barely a couple of weeks after you had been born, your parents left you with the purposeful intent for you to decay in a rundown alleyway behind an old, dilapidated building edging to the brink of collapsion. There wasn't even an apology or explanation note left behind to address why they had done such a thing. Zero, zilch, nada. They only enswathed your infirm figure in a deteriorated duvet that vaguely created comfort against the harsh environment. With this blanket encompassing your tiny form, they propped you into a tattered box and fled from the scene promptly without any given hesitation or gnawing regret. You had been discovered several hours later by authorities due to chronic complaints of babish mewling, and soon you were taken into an orphanage to live in. You never found out the actual identities of your "caretakers", and to be honest, you never ever want to find out anything about those monsters. What kind of mother and father would leave their young infant to die in some random location? You craved nothing from them and hoped to never meet them.

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