You Are My Sunshine-

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( for quintessa c: )

( the breakup )

" you are my sunshine "

The rain was thick as he walked home, collar flicked up against his neck in a feeble attempt of keeping dry. The phone would lay on the bench by the bus stop, left there as he walked away with a feeling of rage.

" my only sunshine "

The door opened, the girl tensing at the stare he gave her. Eyes would shut quickly, blocking out what she was expecting to be screams.

" you make me happy "

Tears would form in his eyes, to see the brunette so sad, so scared. But what was he supposed to do. He wasn't here like always, he could have stopped it. His hand reached out, knowing it would only brush air.

" when sky's are gray "

She whined, standing and turning to him. Coming at him and seemingly aiming to hug the man in front of her, but at the last moment, she would push. His body would hit the wall harshly.

" you'll never know how much I love you "

The pain, it was nothing to do with what he was feeling inside. He whispered an apology, not entirely sure why he was the one doing so. Her face, one he had seen laughing, crying, and sleeping. Was angry. At him.

" please don't take "

The lightning bloomed, but that didn't stop her from grabbing the coat from the rack. Feeling the purple fabric slip on her body as smoothly as the water that had brushed her hand when she shoved the man.

" my sunshine "

He felt himself cringe as the door slammed, slowly sinking down to the floor. She was gone, she would never come back. Tears started running as thick as the rain, laying his head between his legs.

" away "

She looked back, looking at the light one last time. But sadness still pooled in her mind, she had no right being like that. But it was to late, so she turned. Leaving in the darkness with nothing but a scar in her heart.

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