Wedding Bells

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[Lights come up on Hebe in a white dress. She stands in front of a mirror, looking over her reflection. She smooths out her dress and is clearly very nervous. Hera enters the room, moving to stand behind Hebe.]

HERA: It's your big day, Hebe.

HEBE: (Nervously) Yeah. Big day.

HERA: How do you feel?

HEBE: Do you want the honest answer or the correct answer?

HERA: Oh, sweetheart. There is no correct answer.

HEBE: Isn't there? Aren't I supposed to say that I've never been happier and that I can't wait to walk down the aisle? Aren't I supposed to say that this is the best day of my life?

HERA: You don't have to say anything that isn't true. If that isn't how you feel, don't say it. (She gently turns Hebe so that they are both facing one another) What's on your mind, darling?

HEBE: I really don't know if I should tell you. I don't want you to be disappointed in me.

HERA: You could never disappoint me.

HEBE: But that isn't true! You're literally the goddess of marriage, Mom! Of course you'd be disappointed if I don't want to get married.

HERA: Is that what you think? Hebe, I love you. If you don't want to get married, I'd never force you to. You just say the word and I'll call the whole wedding off. I'm not about to let my daughter marry a man she doesn't love.

HEBE: That's the thing, though, I do love him. I really do. I love him so much that it hurts, but I still don't know if I want to marry him.

HERA: What do you mean? Why wouldn't you want to marry him if you love him?

HEBE: Well, what if he doesn't love me? Or what if he does love me right now, but he falls out of love with me later? We're gods, it's not like we can get a divorce!

HERA: Do you think he loves you?

HEBE: Well, yes. I mean, he acts like he loves me.

HERA: How does he act like he loves you? How does he show it?

HEBE: I mean, he treats me like a princess.

HERA: You are a princess, darling.

HEBE: I know, but I don't feel like it most of the time. Here in Olympus, I'm just the cupbearer. I'm basically a servant. Herakles doesn't treat me like that. He calls me 'princess' and constantly offers to do things for me. He makes sure that I never feel obligated to do anything that I don't want to do and always asks my permission before doing anything he doesn't know if I'd be comfortable with. He says the sweetest things to me and treats me so well, but the best part is when we're just together and not doing anything at all. He just likes being around me.

HERA: Well, it certainly sounds like he loves you.

HEBE: He does, but that could still change.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2019 ⏰

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