middle school part one

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December of 2013 is when it began, where all my innocence, kindness, and any thought of putting others I didn't know ahead of me kinda vanished within the short two years of my life that took place in Texas. Now Texas wasn't completely bad I learned some if not very several lessons that completely changed the way I see and comprehend things in my daily life til this day, it helped me realize I was gay after many years of questioning myself and taught me to befriend your enemies and have a single solid friend of each gender(two genders are better than one when it comes to advice)and one completely immature best friend. Each lesson was the result of something I done and didn't think twice about.

But hey, teachers can't teach you everything right?

okay enough with that for now.

Everything changed when I met a boy. He was not just any boy, no. He was my best friend and only exception of the opposite gender. As you know I am simply 100% gay but this one certain boy caught my attention incredibly. His name was Franklin, odd name for a boy of today's generation your probably thinking. Yes, an odd name for an odd boy. He was my first friend in that hell hole, he seemed as if he were a shining Ray of something hopeful, so full of life and his laugh.. your probably expecting it was angelic and wonderful, no it was quite the opposite actually... very loud, unending, and very obnoxious. Franklin most definitely thought of himself as a ladies man and practically was, He was charming, had the beautiful hair and witty grin most girls would melt for, but me being me.. I honestly thought he looked as if he tried far to hard. And this was in a way captivating.

I started the middle of my 8th grade year there, now moving from a small town of 10,000 to a city of 70,000 was a huge change to me. It took time but eventually I adjusted.

This school I attended was rather large for my liking, if I remember in the correct area I would say 8-900 kids attended this Middle school.

When I was registered I was given a student embassador to show me my classes and potentially be my first established friend in that terrifying place.

Her name was paisley, she was wonderfully sweet and kind to me. I felt comfortable around her and as if almost instantly we were old friends talking of nonsense and gossip of things, well most 8th graders talk about, lunch. Anyone and everyone knew what happens and went down at school simply because of the cafeteria which was best known for serving the worst pizza possible.

The next friend I made was a very feisty and beautiful Latina named Marie. As soon as I get to the table and sit down I remember her asking me this simple yet completely and utterly complicated question:

"What kind of person are you?"

At first I was dumbfounded and confused simply because I had no idea honestly, I was still figuring that out for myself. So my response was: "well I'm the chillers cracker you'll ever meet. I'm honest and loyal and well I don't really know how to answer it completely"

At this Marie laughed so hard she literally almost fell out of her chair. I also laughed, yes it was a funny comment but I didn't know it would be as hilarious as she made it to be. All in all me and Marie became good friends, but I'll get back to this part later.

The 4th and most memorable friend I made was a stunning and somewhat stoner portarican named Jessie, she was taller than me (everyone is at that school. -.- I'm 5'2). She had this fascination of lip gloss, especially mine. I "had" a guava and peach flavored lip gloss I had recently discovered at a store. It was simply awesome, and I let her use it one day because she left hers at home (it's a girl thing idrk). She used it. And afterwards it became a daily expectation, so when I walked into my 2nd period everyday I simply headed it to her and took my seat next to her. Others would look at us if it were weird but honestly we had both gotten used to it so really it didn't bother us. Then on a Friday or Wednesday if I recall correctly she asked me out of now where:

"are you gay? or bisexual even?"

At this point  in time I was still trying to convince myself I was straight for the sake of saving my mother a heart attack. So I replied:

"no, sorry.. I'm not really sure:/"

I realize now I should have said yes because damn she was fine (excuse my french). ([Remember that question she ask me, it'll be in the book later on]).

After she asked and I answered with that response she kinda pushed me away, and I felt horrible honestly. Eventually we became close again until school ended but that's later in my story.

Llike it? leave comments or don't. either is cool, but this is the first of many chapters to come.. it's 2:45 am. good morning and goodnight my darlings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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