Life In The Eyes Of Alice ~ Chapter One

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Do you remember when you were younger and every little thing that happened made sense? Like, you knew why you needed to go to school. You knew why you made friends with people. You knew why you had your parents and siblings. Everything had an answer. Then you got older and it became harder and harder to figure everything out. The answers became less clear. Is your life like mine?

"Alice! Come on! School!" my mother shouted from down the stairs. I groaned and threw a pillow over my head. Then I peeked out to glimpse at the clock next to my bed. 6:20. Crap! I had ten minutes to get ready. I hopped out of bed, threw my hair in a bun, put on some jeans and a t-shirt and grabbed my bag. My mom handed me my lunch as I flew out the door to see my bus preparing to pull away. I just made it. I sighed as I plopped down into a seat and put in my head phones. Today was just another day, like any other.

I watched as people got on the bus and soon enough I saw her. I'd noticed this girl a few days ago. She was a girl with red hair that was obviously from a bottle. Her eyes were a bright blue and you couldn't see her roots so I was guessing she was a natural blonde. Her eyeliner was thick around her eyes and purple eye shadow covered the rest of her eyelid. Her eye lashes were long and mascara covered and foundation and cover up caked her face. Even though she was completely covered in makeup she looked pretty.

Her jeans were ripped with leggings underneath to cover the holes. She was wearing a band t-shirt and black vans. Her head phones were in and you could hear music blaring from them. She basically looked like a girl who did not care about the world or anything around her at all. Or so I thought.

Soon enough her foot hit a seat belt and she came tumbling down face first. She quickly stood up with red cheeks and plopped into the same seat as me. She turned to look at me and I turned away but I could see her smirking out of the corner of her eye.

I realized I probably looked really weird looking. I had long black hair with blonde strands in my side bangs. My eyes were a dark brown. Almost black. I was only wearing eyeliner and a little mascara. My jeans were faded as well as my t shirt.

She looked me up and down then smiled. She pulled out her headphones and I pulled mine out as well. "I'm Brenna," she said smiling.

"I'm Alice," I told her. She nodded her head.

"What grade are you in?" she asked.

"I'm a sophomore," I told her.

"I'm a junior, so you're like fifteen?"

"Yeah, I'm turning sixteen in like a month."

"Cool. I'm turning seventeen in a few months." I nodded my head. I hated when you met someone and it was just awkward until you started getting into better conversations. I probably seemed so young to her. And I probably seemed weird.

She turned away for a moment then quickly turned back to me. "Look I know we just met and this is weird but my parents are leaving town for the weekend and I wanted to throw a major party. You wanna come?"

I was kind of shocked by what she just asked. I never expected her to invite me to a party. "I..uh..I dunno," I said.

"Come on. You can bring your boyfriend," she said winking at me. That made me laugh.

"I don't have a boyfriend. I don't think any guy has ever thought of my like that," I said laughing.

She cocked an eyebrow. "Seriously? You're so pretty. I'd expect all the guys to be over you." I laughed at this.

"I wish."

"So will you come?" She asked with pleading eyes. I don't know why she wanted me to come so badly. But I figured I might as well go. Maybe making friends won't be as bad as I think.

"Fine fine. I'll go," I said with a smile.

"Alright! Be at my house tonight at 8. I'll text you my address," she said writing her number on my hand.

The bus pulled into the school and she got up. "See ya tonight Alice," she said with a wink. I smiled to myself and grabbed my bags. Maybe making friends really wouldn't be as bad.

I walked down the hallway and felt an arm lay across my shoulder. Almost as an instinct I leaned my head into the shoulder of the boy standing next to me. "Blair, guess what," I told him. I turned my head to see him smiling down.

Blair was my very handsome and very gay best friend. And he was my best friend because he was my only friend. And friendship with him came easily. Our parents were best friends as well. We shared the same birthday which I swear our mothers planned out. And from birth they swore we would get married and finally make us all one big happy family. That was until Blair told his parents he was gay. I think his dad knew the whole time so he was cool with it. His mom was a bit heart broken but she's gotten over it.

I looked at my best friend with his light brown hair that looks really fluffy and is in fact very fluffy. And his chestnut eyes that make me melt. He was handsome and I loved him. In a best friend sort of way. He was a lot taller then me and his arm fit perfectly around my shoulder. Everyone thinks we are a couple. Until they find out he's gay. Then they stop those rumors.

"What?" He asks snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I made a new friend," I said smiling. He gave me a weird look.

"Alice, do you remember what happened last time you 'made a new friend'?" He asks using his fingers to make quotation marks.

I sighed. I did remember. It was a girl named Lynn. And she was popular. A girl with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes and those platinum smiles. And I thought she really did want to be friends. So when we shared "secrets" at her sleepover I of course spilled my juiciest secrets to her. And the next day she made a Facebook page full of embarrassing things about me. Some were true and some she made up. I deleted my Facebook and didn't go to school for the next week until Blair dragged me back in. She got what she wanted. A good laugh.

"Yes Blair I do remember. But I think this girl is different," I told him. Then I gave him a puppy dog look and he caved.

"Okay, I still want to meet her though."

I smiled. "I was hoping you'd say that. She invited me to a party tonight. Wanna come?"

"Sure. Why not?" He said smiling. I smiled and we continued walking towards our homeroom when we got shoved into a locker.

"Watch where you're going!" Blair shouted.

"What are you gonna do baby Blair!? You gonna kiss me? You gonna rub your gayness all over me?" The guy said laughing at him. Everyone around us laughed too and Blair got quiet.

The guy was wearing a football jersey. He was built and taller then Blair. His hair was blonde and short. Then he walked back up to me and Blair.

He shoved Blair again. "When I'm talking you better answer!" He says. Blair just looked him in the eyes.

"You know Paul, it's sad how you make fun of gay people when everyone saw those pictures on Facebook last year," Blair said smirking. Paul instantly let him go and turned red. Everyone laughed very well remembering the picture of Paul kissing another football player behind the bleachers. I just grabbed Blair's hand and pulled us towards the classroom.

"You didn't need to bring that up," I told him. He gave me a look.

"Why? Would you rather me have gotten killed by him?" Blair asked.

I shook my head. "No. But still."

"Alice one day you have to realize something about the world. If you don't stand up for yourself you'll just get walked on for the rest of your life. You aren't a stepping stone and you don't deserve to be treated like one."

He walked into class and his words hung thick in the air. Did I just let people walk all over me? Do I need to grow up and learn how to live life?

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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