Across The Street

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  • Dedicated to Anyone Whose Ever Felt Alone, Someone Is Out There For You

She stood across the street, blurred by the racing traffic. Her blonde locks were highlighted by white exhales in the brisk air, and green irises lit up the whole city, putting the moon to shame. Her eyelashes sent breezes across sidewalks forcing the leaves to dance and swirl. Snowflakes landed on her lips and cheeks decorating her pale skin with angels glitter. 

He stood across the street, darkened by the towering buildings. The smoke from his cigarette shaded his face and disorientated his features. The ringlets of his hair fell with the wind, ruffling itself into waves. His stance dominated the tallest structures in the city, giving a dangerous aura. Snow gathered along his shoulders and arms, soaking him to his already chilled core. 

When the second hand hit the clock once more eyes connected like magnetism. Dark met Light. Heaven collided into Hell. A pulsating current sent the air into still shock and Fire enveloped the Frozen city. The Broken crushed the fixed. The Crushed fixed the Broken. And under the same moon they found different paths across the same road. 

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