The Newest Avenger

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Aurhors Note: I did not want to delete this particular work but it is not a good reflection of my ability as a writer, it is very old and not a proper gauge of my current work. Anyway I hope you enjoy it :)

Peter Parker had gotten used to Tony Stark, it wasnt something he ever imagined he would be getting used to, but he had. He and Tony often worked
in the lab, perfectly in sync with ACDC playing in the background, they often worked like this for hours; never braking or slowing until they had reached the conclusion to whatever they were working on. Peter often stayed at the compound after a long lab session, rather than being driven or flown back from the compound all the way to Queens.

Peter and Tony were currently working on the latest spiderman suit upgrade, but tony could tell Peter's mind was not on the task. He could practically see peter thinkig about something and he could definitely see the glances Peter was throwing at him across the work bench. It wasnt long before Tony's suspicions were confirmed as peter leaned back in his chair and requested that Karen pause the music.

'Tony?' He said hesitantly, twirling a screwdriver between his fingers.

'I've been thinking'

'About what?' Tony wasn't used to peter being so hesitant but knew it meant the kid was about to ask for something, Peter had never liked the billionaire buying things for him and hated asking for them even more.

'You and Unlce Rhodes have nearly reached an agreement with the accords, right?'

This question did and didnt surprise Tony, he knew Peter was smart and could have guessed he kept up with the news, but the accords were never something they had talked about. They didnt really talk about what happend in  germany, or after that, at all.

- Peter had seen the Iron suit footage from siberia, it had been after Tony had a particularly bad night and had forgotten that Peter was staying in the tower. After Peter found tony passed out on the floor of the lab muttering about Steve and the arc reactor, FRIDAY had shown him the suit footage. They hadn't talked about it since.-

'The accords are a complicated thing Pete, lots of factors and lots of people involved. But yes, I think we might have reached an agreement. Why?'

'Would that mean the old Avengers moving back in?'

Tony sighed, he had been avoiding talking about this particular part of the accords. He wasnt sure he was ready to face the other avengers but he knew he was going to have to, he knew they would be moving back in and it scared him.

'Yeah Pete, they would be moving back in.'

'How do you feel about that?' Peter knew Tony wouldn't like that question, Tony didnt enjoy confronting his feelings but both of them knew it should be done.

'I dunno kid' tony sighed and leaned back on the hind legs of his stool, suddenly clutching one of the stress balls that he had lying around everywhere. 'Its complicated, they were family once and I do want to see them again, I miss them. But it's just...' Tony trailed off with a sigh.

Peter gave a soft smile 'You dont have to be ready Tony, just because they move back in doesnt mean you have to face them. If you arent ready just stick to your floors.'

'It doesnt work like that kid and you know it' Tony said with a sad smile.

'Well then how would you feel if more than just the old Avengers moved in'

Tony looked at peter quizically 'who would move in here?'

'Well I know a guy, the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman they call him. Apparently He's looking for a place to crash.'

'You?' Tony said leaning forward in his chair. 'Not that I wouldn't love to have you kid but are you sure you're ready? What happened to the friendly neighbourhood Spiderman?'

Peter walked round the bench and sat down on top of it, next to tony. 'But that's the best part Mr Stark. I can do both. School on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I'll do a half day Thursday and then come down here, travel back Monday morning and do school in that afternoon.' Peter had gotten up and began to pace. He had clearly thought a lot about this and the excitement showed on his face. 'I can keep up with schoolwork, I know I can, if my grades slip I'll stop and move back to Queens. But this way I get the best of both worlds, I get to train with you, do lab time and actual internship work. That's what we will tell the school too, that I am becoming a higher level intern and that it requires half the week at a special intern program.'

Peter's excited ramble came to a halt and he turned to look excitedly at tony, who was largely skeptical of Peter's plan. He stood up and stared peter in the eyes and began a quick fire round of questioning about Peter's grand plan.

'What is May going to say to this?'

'Already asked her, she said she knew its what I really wanted to do and if I kept my grades up she's good with it'

'But how will you keep your grades up?'

'Homeschooling, I'll do it myself, karen can help me. Also I'd be living in the same building as Tony Stark, I'll be fine'

'You think the school will believe this?'

'They will believe anything from you'

'Its a lot of travel. Are you ready for that, who will drive you?'

'Happy, if he is feeling nice, I can always swing for a bit and get the train or something, plus I know you own a helicopter...'

Tony scoffed at this.

'Have you thought about it impacting your future?'

'My future is here, with the avengers. And with Stark industries, if you will have me. I'll do an actual internship, I'll work hard and you can teach me everything I need to know about business and the real world.'

Tony had to admit, he liked having the kid around, liked working with him, and training, watching movies on a Saturday night. Plus the kids plan did sound good, well thought through. And it was Tony himself who first asked Peter to be an avenger anyway.
Tony sighed, 'fine'

Peter squealed with delight and rushed forward to hug his mentor, who was nearly knocked to the ground by the speeding teenager. He still smiled and returned the hug before pulling away and looking Peter in the eyes

'But, young man, Pepper, May and me will be discussing this, finalising things. This is a yes from me. But if they say it wont work, it wont work. Okay?'

'Yeah I know'

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