Friday number 1

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The first time I saw him he was drying glasses, his job obviously boring him but he still bobbed his head to the live music that was playing that night. Knowing every word to every song.

We didn't even speak. I just stared at him the entire night. The glasses on his face sitting on his perfect nose, his blue eyes glistening in the little light left in the room. His blonde hair bouncing with every movement and his slender body turning to face me every now and again.

I could tell I wasn't the only one who noticed him. After all he was so damn beautiful. He wasn't typically my type but I couldn't take my eyes off of him.

It was like I was hypnotised or in some kind of trance. Unable to focus on anything but him.

After that I appeared there every Friday night, waiting, anticipating his presence. When I say it now it sounds creepy. But at the time it was so romantic.

I told no one about it. But I always kept my Fridays free from then on, not willing to ever miss the chance to see him again.

For the next 30 Fridays I went to that bar. Not ever missing a single one.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2019 ⏰

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