---The Cruelty of Fate---

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*Third Person PoV*

It's easy to give in to the darkness, it's easy to give in to oblivion. It's too damn easy to give up and wreck yourself in pain.

But then again, this what makes human a human. The pain they feel, the good and the bad they carry, the flaws and the need to learn with them and the ability to fall in love.

Liahna opened her eyes and found herself amidst the dark forest, a forest where she first met him. The trees still looked terrifying and the moon still managed to make through the tall trees. It was done now, she has finally lost everything. She got up feeling soreness at the back of her head and her fingers reached out to see what was hurting that bad.

Her hair was caked in blood. A wince escaped her lips as her fingers finally found the injury.

She sat there frozen, looking into nothingness thinking and rethinking about everything that happened. She relived the memories with her father and Gerard, a mother she barely remembered who died because of her. She remembered the hate and fear she had for Ivor, slowly turned to attraction and then so much more.

She remembered the times he made her feel loved, special and gave her feelings of desire she thought didn't even exist. All through her journey through her memories she sat there not moving a muscle and staring at the moon.

And then the reality hit her, a lump formed in her throat and slowly she started sobbing.

The man she loves is set out to kill her. Again, she had no home and no family. Liahna wanted the world to end so that this amount of pain could end with. And then she just cried for hours till she lost consciousness again.


It was warm, not cozy soft warm but the kind to make you uncomfortable.

Liahna woke up to that warmth.

Everything around her was burning. She didn't feel the fear coming in or any sort of panic. She just sat there trying to feel worried for the world to burn down or for herself to burn to ashes but no emotion came. She sat their patiently as everything around her burned. Her mood, her anger, her pain was making phoenix act according to it.

"Not even a scratch on him." She shouted out in darkness knowing well enough that the phoenix can hear her.

But then she realized the fire was not for anyone else but for her. The firewall around her started getting smaller and closer to her. The warmth turned to scorching heat from the licks of flames.

Her eyes watered but she didn't move as the fire kept coming nearer, turning from red to yellow to black. Maybe this was a better death than dying by the hands of a man she loves.

Finally, the dark fire engulfed her but the pain never came.


They say love is a savior. But if it is the one that is supposed to kill you it becomes destructive. 

Ivor had no memories of love. The sword in his hand was his savior and it guided him to eliminate the greatest evil. He didn't know the greatest evil was one he loved with all his heart and defied the world for it.

His mind and mission were clear, kill the girl.

But for some reason, even the thought made his heartache like something was ripping it out through the bones and the muscles.

He entered the palace greeted by the sight of his King and his father who taught him the mission of his life. And yet at that moment, he seemed like a stranger. Again his mind ticked like he was missing something, forgetting something. His childhood companion Tibran looked distraught.

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