Chapter 1

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I ran through the forest unaware of where I was going, I had been banished from my coven after not complying with their newest rule.
Most vampires hunted humans, but my clan had turned on our own kind for power, vampires eating vampires wasn't something I was okay with.
A small laugh escaped my lips as I ran, I must be going crazy. Laughing when I had a whole coven ready to kill me, I had slight doubts that my sire would let them get that far, he was basically the strongest of the coven and what humans would call their king.

Looking up at the sky for a second I quickened my pace, I needed to find somewhere to escape the soon to be rising sun .
If I had paid any attention to my surroundings I would have noticed the looming castle that stood in the middle of the forest.
My face was wet with tears that had left my vision tinted red and blurred making it all more shocking when instead of my feet hitting the soft grass and leaves of the forest floor they had slammed into a hard stone path.

I froze taking a moment to wipe the blood from my eyes to clear my vision gasping at the site of the enormous castle that stood in front of me.
Fear coursed through my veins as I began to walk up the stone path and I let my senses overtake not that it mattered what was inside because if I didn't get in there soon I'd be a pile of ashes.

Nothing grabbed my attention from out here, but that didn't mean nothing bad was inside. A small frown crossed my face as I approached the large doors that would lead inside. I let my eyes wander the doors for a moment before deciding they wouldn't harm me and knocking softly, if there was a human here I wouldn't be able to enter without invitation.

The sun had maybe three minutes till it poked it's annoying face up over the hills and panic was starting to overtake when I heard someone shout "I suggest you get inside vampire, before you're burned to a crisp" other than terrifying her the voice had sounded like it belonged to a male, a very attractive one at that.
Hesitantly she rested a hand on the woodwork of one of the large doors and pushed slightly letting out a squeak of joy when it moved, glancing over her shoulder she smiled at the first rays of light finding their way through the trees and whispered "Not today sunshine" before pushing the large door open and racing inside and slamming the door shut leaning against it panting softly even vampires get tired .
Taking a delicate sniff at the air almost like a dog she walks slowly through the castle, there is a familiar scent here, one that she tried to block out 200 years ago


My best friend Josh and I explored the woods to the back of my house just like we had done every day since we met at the age of five.
He grinned at me from behind our favourite oak tree his brown eyes sparkling with mischief as he spoke "Angel let's climb it"
My smile faltered but only for a second he wouldn't know of my fear of heights "O-okay then let's go!" I walked slowly toward the tree staring at the rough bark and looking for foot holes, I had almost begun to want to get up the tree when fear settled deep in the pit of my stomach, not fear of climbing but something else entirely. "I- I th-think we should g-g-get home" I spoke in almost a whisper biting my lip softly fear clearly shown in my eyes.
"What's wrong Angel bear? You scared of climbing?" He asked with a nervous laugh, I knew he could feel it too.
"Walk me home?" I asked voice quivering slightly as my emerald eyes began to cloud over with tears that I instantly blinked back. I would not cry in front of Josh, I was stronger than that.
He and I walked back through the woods to my house, but froze just beyond the fence as the most disgusting smell hit our noses, it smelled like death, or what I would imagine death smelled like I couldn't take it, tears began to silently fall down my face. Josh held tightly onto my hand as we crawled under the fence and walked toward the open front door, the deathly stench becoming stronger the closer we got.

Nothing could have prepared my eyes for what we seen there my mother or what I assumed to be my mother torn to shreds in a puddle of blood. To make things worse Josh doubled over in pain and I watched as his bones snapped and thick black hair spurted from his body as he morphed into a small black wolf pup.

~flashback over~

I walked through the halls of the castle letting my senses overtake me as I searched for anyone who was inside, I passed many doors most having a faded scent of demon but paused coming to an average sized door that was slightly opened where the scent was a lot stronger even with the other unfamiliar scents in the room.
I opened the door a little more revealing a nicely sized room with a bar and a couch in the centre, the walls had been painted a deep Crimson and the floor was a plush black carpet, minus the bar area where the carpet had been swapped for shining black tiles.
Hesitantly I walked toward the couch my eyes focused on the attractive demon who sat there "may I sit?" I asked deciding to attempt to get on his good side in hopes that he wouldn't kill me. he sat in silence but nodded slightly. I bit my lip softly as I repressed the smile that threatened to form on my lips as I moved to sit beside him before looking up at him and speaking softly "thank you. I'm Angel"
He smiled slightly at me "the name is Sam, and this is the Ozera castle, there are a few rooms off the hall you may use one while you are here. The windows are boarded so sunlight will be of no issue to you"
His voice sounded slightly frustrated but rehearsed and he kept his eyes to the ground paying little attention to anything in the room.

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