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Mali Hilbert | Deuce 😌

"Aye y'all they fighting in Mrs. Indo. class!" Some boy busting in the classroom. Everybody jump up to go see. I roll my eyes staying in my seat.

"Ohhh shit they jumping Mariyah!" I heard somebody shouted through out the hallway. I got up so quick running towards the fight.

I seen bout two girls jumping on Mariyah, one of my close friends. I ran full speed towards one of the girls knocking her in her shit making her fall over at the impact of the punch.

I grab her hair to get a grip to start uppercutting her. "Oh shit Deuce in this bitch fighting! It's a first!" Kevon said out of shock.

I let the girl go before finishing her off with a kick to the face knocking her ass unconscious. "Oooohs" Came from everybody .

Then my ass was tackled you security. "Nigga what the fuck!?" I yelled out as they handcuffed me. I seen Mariyah and the other girl getting handcuffed.

They started helping the other girl who was knock out. "Freee my nigga Deuce! Free my cousin Mariyah!" I heard KD yelled making me look his way to see him recording with Boomer on side of him.

Once we exit the building the cops pulled up exiting out before taking all three us in. Mariyah and I was in the same police car while other girl in another one.

"What!? Four years!? Bitch is you crazy it was just a fight!" I yelled out to the judge.

"You put the girl in a coma plus gave her a head tumor. You going in for attempt murder." Judge said before banging her hammer.

The officer grabbed me. "Baby it's go be all good. Them four years go, go fast and next thing you know it you'll be out." Granny said pulling me in a hug.

"It's all my fault you in this situation."
Mariyah said crying as she give me a hug.

"It's not, it's they fault they should've of tried to jump ya." I told her as they pull me away.

"Free you Deuce!"
KD shouted making me chuckle.


4 years later

The gate buzz before opening and I walk out through them holding my bag of clothes.

I was then attacked by Mariyah and Channing jumping on me making all three of us fall back.

"My bitch free!" Channing shouted as she help me up. I seen the camera recording . Yep bitches I rap and I'm finna shoot a music video for my song call. "Story of my life."

"Oh my god Im getting so emotional right now!" Mariyah said fanning her eyes as she was finna cry.

"These four years without you wasn't shit." She said before I pull her into a hug making her burst out crying.

"Group hug." I said as Channing join the hug.

"Uhhhh no! I ain't see Deuce in four years get the fuck!" I heard KD yelled before I was pulled away from the two.

"My bitch got buff." He said before pulling me in a big ass hug squeezing the life out of me.

"Okay dam KD I can't breathe." I said before he let me go.

"Bitch you miss so much. Like Baby Joe finally drop Rodricka or whatever her name was for Channing who got pregnant for him now they got them a little demon seed. Baby K wasn't for Kentrell but Starr got pregnant by him "again" so she had gave him a another son who name is Kamiri and you remember when I told you about that train Kentrell and Doo did on that guh Nia?" He asked me making me nod my head yeah.

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