chapter one

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Ok so i really didnt like my other story and thought it was the worst story i ever made and i only spent like 10 minutes working on it. This is probally wayyy better than my other one so enjoy~

Chapter one

*Sniff* *Sniff* Mommy! Daddy! Don't leave me! i cried.

"Don't worry honey, you'll be fine on your own.H-here swe-eety I-I want you to have th-this." My mother pulls out a beautiful god locket with a picture of my mom, day and me in it. People around me gave me sympathic looks. I didn't need sympathy. I needed my family.

I sighed. It has been a year since my parents' deaths. The only thing i have left of them were my locket,me mom's musical talent, and my dad's fighting skills.

I looked in the mirror. I looked pretty average if you ask me. My naturally blonde, wavy hairr was let down and my sky blue eyes looked sadder every second you looked at them. To tell you the truth, I was really thin, but not to the bone thin. I had curves in all the right places but to me i looked normal.

After my parents died, i got adopter in to a very rich family. I must admit, they are loving and kind, but they could never replace my real parents and they knew that.

"Nat!"my mother called. I rushed down stairs too see what all t he comotion was about.

"Yes mother?" she smiled softly at me. I just stood there confused.

"Didi you ever know what your parents were?" she started."Hmmm. i thought. My parents told me that they were super naturals but never told me what they were.

"actually no. Why do you ask?" i questioned. she sighed.

"your parents were the most powerful and last elementals, and you honey. are the last elemental."


do you guys likke itt?? :D if you dont comment with in 2 day ill take that as a no.

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