The only part to this story

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it's true

One day, when I went to school, people(Seahawks fans)where cheering. I must've missed the game.

Anywhore, so after lunch when I was walking out, I couldn't help but overhear a bunch of loud bitches. They kept chanting"Broncos suck!Broncos suck!"

I was only defending one of my friends, a Broncos fan.

So I told them to stop chanting that. But, being the bitches they were, they kept chanting it. I repeatedly told them to stop, but they bitched around with me and I was so fucking pissed at them.

Especially Abigail. I even crossed her face out in the year book.

So, it eventually got to the point where I went blind(literally I didn't know what happened), and I guess I must've hit her. She was all like"Did you just hit me?"In her annoying as fuck voice.

Then she told on me and I started crying.

I was only defending a friend.

Never forgave that motherfucking bitch. Never forgot exactly what happened. And I never actually meant it when I smiled at her a couple of times.

You know that fake smile popular girls give at losers? Yeah, that one. A big, fat, phony one.

If I see her again, I'll torture her to death.

And worst of all?

She was related to one of my good friends.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2014 ⏰

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