The Last Summer

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Hi! This is my first story that im posting on Wattpad and i just want to get some feedback. This is only the first chapter but if you like it tell me and I'll keep posting. Anyways please leave comments, good or bad I need to hear it if it's gonna get any better. Hope you like it!

Ps. the picture on the side is Isla Fisher, she a little older then Maggie, but thats basically how I picture her but with green eyes and strawberry blonde hair.

Chapter One


I groaned and rolled over. Sadly, this was not the first time, nor would it be the last that I would wake up in this manner this summer. Also, I knew exactly who it was that was waking me up at this ungodly hour. I mean really, 7:30 am should not exist between June to September.

Libby Thompson. She’s a great girl, don’t get me wrong, but its like she’s constantly on a sugar rush since the moment her eyes open.


As I fumbled with my phone, who’s sleek design and touch screen just seem ridiculously annoying at this hour, as it buzzed again. Another note about my best friend Libby, she is a notorious over texter. If Libby Thompson only sent one text message in the span of a five minutes, it would mean she was was on the brink of death. Seriously, an attacker would have to prying the phone out of her cold, dying hands and she‘d be texting you her final goodbyes.

In my groggy battle with this seven ounce piece of plastic, I ended up on the floor in a tangle of over-sized tee shirt and polka dot sheets. Score: Maggie Marshall - 0, Phone - 1, what a great freaking way to start my last first day of summer before college.

Somewhere in the midsts of this battle I heard my ringtone and punched in that direction at the sheets, answering the call as I fought to pry my phone from the grasp of my momentarily vicious sheets. Libby’s frantic voice flowed from my speaker in a quick and semi-muted babble.

“Libby!”, I cried into the sheets, “I need you to chill out for a second, okay?! I’m am currently experiencing some technical difficulties caused by a rude awakening.”

After a minute of struggles and hearing Libby still prattling on to herself, I freed my phone from its cotton prison and shifted into a comfortable position as I cautiously placed the phone by my ear. Libby must have heard my breath on the speaker because suddenly she was exploding again.

“OHMYGODMAGGIEHESCOMINGHEREMAGGIEHERE!” Libby shirked into the phone. This was one thing I strangely admired about Libby. Her ability to get excited about anything and everything. I never was able to muster enough excitement to match her enthusiasm that she seemed to have for even the most mundane of tasks, and being second best wasn’t something I was used to, but she usually had enough excitement for the two of us so I tried my best to shrug it off.

“Libby,” I said calmly, “Repeat. Slowly. And in English this time if you wouldn’t mind” I added hastily.

“Maggie! Oh. My. Gosh. You are NEVER going to guess the amazing gift the gods of awesomeness are bestowing on this pathetic town that we unfortunately call home!”

“They’re finally building a Starbucks?” I wondered aloud.

“No! I told you that you’d never be able to guess. Wait, do think that they will because it would be awesome to get a Starbucks. I mean try as I might, it just isn’t cool to sit in the Rogers Deli and drink coffee and discuss world issues.”

“You’ve never even been to a Starbucks Libs, how would you even know what they talk about? And since when have you ever been interested in world issues?”

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