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My first day at Cartwright Academy was slightly disastrous. My alarm went off 20 minutes late and I accidentally set myself on fire. Twice. I, Spencer Elizabeth Hollie was officially screwed.

BEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP. I slowly rolled out of bed and checked my ePhone. 7:45. Well crap, I rolled out of bed and looked in the mirror; my hair is a mess, bags under my eyes and my glasses askew on my face; I look freakin' gorgeous. I wonder, is Taylor still in the shower? Yes, yes she is. "Taylor! Get out I'm gonna be late!" I heard the water turn off as a pissed looking Taylor got out of the bathroom. You know, having one bathroom to share with 4 siblings sucks A LOT more than people tell you. After a 30 second shower, I put in my contacts and threw on a pair of black denim shorts and a blue off-the-shoulder blouse. "SPENCER LETS GO!" Ooh that'll be mum. Hair, what to do with hair......headband. Definitely headband. 8:00. "SPENCER ELIZABETH YOU HAVE 3 SECONDS TO GET DOWN HERE OR I WILL COME UP THERE." I raced down the stairs with my suitcase and backpack to the kitchen. "Here mum."

"Got your suitcase?" Dad asked

"Yes dad."

"Phone? Laptop? Chargers?"

"Yes dad."


"Yes dad."

He lowered his voice, "Lady stuff?"

I blushed, "Da-ad!"

"What? I have to ask." He shrugged. I could feel Maygen and James staring. Ugh siblings. I felt a tugging on the hem of my shirt. It was my three year old brother Charlie. "Is Spensa going away?" He asked, his big blue eyes looking up at me and his adorable ginger curls cascading in front of his face. He was still clutching his Winnie the Pooh blanket in his chubby hands.

"Only for a little bit Charlie." Tears welled up in his eyes.

"But imma miss you. I don wanna you to go!" He pleaded. I picked him up and carried him on my hip

"What was I saying..."

"Yes I've got everything dad." He handed me a bagel and my schedule.

"Mum is in the car, love you Spencyboo!" I cringed as I walked out the door. Dad was so embarrassing. James ruffled my hair and smirked. "Bye Squirt."

"See ya Jamie."

I checked my reflection on the camera app on my ePhone as we drove. Same straight, dark red hair that fell just past my shoulders. Dark blue eyes, pale skin, freckles on my nose; yup. Same old me. I put in my headphones and put my playlist on shuffle. I looked out the window as we drove. Same houses that lined out street. Same perfectly clipped hedges and rose bushes. Same statue of flames in front of Mrs. Deliads house. The rest of out ride was spent with mum chatting away and me pretending to care until we reached campus. This place was huge, as in H-U-G-E huge. A large building surrounded by three smaller buildings were shrouded by fields and flora. Woah.

Mum parked and looked at me, her hands clasped together, tears brimming in her eyes. Oh no. Here it comes. "Awwww my baby Spencyboo is going to boarding school! I remember when you were in diapers and you-"

" Mu-um. Please!"

"And how you would always-"

"Mum you're embarrassing me!"

"Can I at least get a photo of my darling?"


"Oh alright Spencypie. Let's go sweetie!" She finally unlocked the boot and I grabbed my stuff. Boarding school. Okay, let's see how this goes. I suddenly feel nervous, what if I fail? Or I'm not good enough, or nobody likes me or...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2014 ⏰

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