prolog: 4 days earlier

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Four days earlier

The blue sky had transformed in to a sea of blood in different shades. Between the red clouds on the evening sky, the sunset was peeking out. Some lonely birds flew over the rooftops in the central city with an above average population. Known for crimes and gangs who made parents worry for their young children.

Haley stroke her scared fingers thru the hair of the girl resting on her lap. Her black hair was just as smooth as always, it fell off her fingers like water off a mountain, leaving a nice and soft feeling on her scarred skin. Her own hair was shorter and far from pretty. The shoulder long hair, cut by her guy friends knife in a garage was damaged and could not be saved. She had lost count of all the times her hair got stuck in things or went weeks without shower or a hairbrush.

The girl on her lap twisted her body a little. The small movement made her stomach tickell. She placed her hand on the girls waist and leaned down to smell her beautiful black hair, it was just like the stereotypical picture of an asian woman's smooth hair. The girl, dressed in one of Halley's big T-shirts closed the book in her hands and faced the girl above her. Haley stared into the girls dark brown eyes that sparkled in the moonlight. A soft smile appeared on her face as she stroke her hand over the girls pale forehead covered by a thin fringe.

"Are you done now?" She asked, referring to the school work the girl had been busy doing since she came that afternoon. She was happy that the love of her life was preparing for her feature unlike herself, but all the studding really pissed her off sometimes. She never had time for her, only when they were on vacation.

"I guess i can't say no, can I?" By the help of her foot, Haley pushed down the girls book from the low table in front of them, making it hard for her to reach. The girl stared angry at her with a sweet smile on her pink lips. She shook her head and bend down to place a kiss on the girls beautiful pink lips. Like always they tasted like strawberries, sweet.

"Well i guess i can take a break." The girl said placing her hand on hayleys cheek and raising her head to give her girlfriend another kiss. Haley could feel the butterflies in her belly starting to freak out. The fact that they had been dating for over a year did not stop her from feeling like the first time she kissed her. She remembered it so well. It was at a small place between two buildings. Irene had been following her for a couple of days and it did not seem like she was stopping any time soon. Haley had only spoken to the girl once when she saved her from a couple guys trying to touch her, ever since that day she kept seeing that pretty girl with the pink lips. Wanting answers she stopped and waited for the girl to come up close to her, when she was close she pushed her up against the brick wall like she did with other gang members. But her face was far from like the other gangs. She looked so scared and fragile. It was obvious that she was not with one of the other gangs, she was just a regular girl. After the harsh hello they talked for a while and she ended up kissing her in the small space between the house to the sound of cars passing by just some meters from them.

"Can you come and eat lunch with me tomorrow?" Irene asked with her puppy eyes and pouting lips. She knew that it was almost impossible for Haley to say not to her when she did that. Which only broke her heart more, having to turn down her offer.

"I'm sorry." She said with a sad face, Irene's adorable puppy face turned into a dark look. She lowered her eyebrows and starred disappointed in to her girlfriends eyes.

"I have some things to do and i can't say no this time." She said and stroke her hand gently over Irene's rose cheeks.

"Those things always end up hurting you." She said with a sad look on her face. "Please leave them Haley, i can't stand seeing you come home covered in scars and bruises one more time. You need money i get it, but you can get a real job that doesn't involve illegal things." With a soft smile on her lips she stroked the girls forehead. Her innocence always made her smile. She would do anything she could to keep her that way, innocent and safe. Safe from the gangs out there. She did not want her to become like herself.

"Honey, if i could leave i would have done it a long time ago you know that." Irene turned away her gaze. "But i won't get hurt again okay? What about we eat lunch next week? Or i have a better idea!." She took Irenes hand i her own. "What if I take you out for dinner? We can have a date night, free from all kinds of fights, bruises and broken bones, I will say no to everything that comes up. Noa can do it for me." At first it did not look like Irene found the idea good. But after a big smile from Haley that never gave her more than a soft smile she accepted the offer.

"But then you gotta do something for me." She said, trying to sound a bit scary and controlling. Haley loved when her little angel tried to go from sweet to cool because it never worked. She would always be a kitten spoiled by her rich dad in her eyes.

"What?" She said waiting for an answer. Irene raised her head to press her lips against Haleys. At the same time she let her left hand slide up along Haleys upper body, wanting to touch the skin under it. When the kiss ended she met Haleys eyes.

"I think i can make it up for you." Haley said. She changed position so that she was on top of Irene's small and fragile body. A smile appeared on her face and she just had to place a kiss in her lips before starting to unbutton her shirt.

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