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Life is unavoidable and disorderly. That’s all it is and all its ever going to be.

There are no words to describe the emotions that humans and animals have the infortune of feeling. Sure, there are words, different combinations of the same 26 letters that have procreated any story in any book in the English language. But are there words that can genuinely describe the desolation of a mother and her newly expired child, or of the helpless desire to protect a man dying of his own incurable disease, or of the distress of a faultless child corrupted again and again in the hands of someone they trusted, or of love?

The answer is absolutely not.

 Anyone could debate all day on this topic while reasoning and envisioning as hard as is plausible, but would all come to the same unyielding truth. We as a species, are irrelavent. What we choose to do as a species is not.

Whether the Earth was created in evolution or of unseen miraculous divine, it has elements of beauty and stability. Consisting of healthy vegetation, theoretical endless bodys of water, and of naturally magnificent landmarks, there are always the downfalls. Characteristics of malice and tragedy in the unseen dark corners. When the clean water runs out, while the population is at an all time high yet so is death, what do we do? When our only option is to kill or be killed, would you lie and tell me, "im incapable of harming another human being?"

Whether you believe me or not is your choice. When the world comes crashing down around you and you realize sickness and death are your only true companion, ill attempt to hold in my, "I told you so."

The truth is: the world is a sick place. Its inhabitants are even sicker. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2014 ⏰

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