Chapter 1

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I'm broken, walking alone on this empty street doesn't help. I lost everyone, everyone that I ever cared for, everyone that has ever cared for me. Their gone, even my own damn parents. If I would never go back to that house the wouldn't care. Even my whole family sided with them. They all think I need help, like special help. I don't need it, I have been this way for two years now and I made it through without any help. I had help from my 'friends' but they all left. I pushed them away and they didn't even fight for me to stay at all. My parents didn't know for two damn years and now they want to come in and help. Help, i needed help two years ago. I really needed it then especially after that night, that's what messed me up.

Two years earlier

"Come on please it will be fun." They begged and begged but if course im not going, all of them are drunk. "I'm not going, im not risking my life to have fun, not this time." I have been through too much this week I just need to go home. Kate my best friend she has always been there, no matter what, even when I tried to push her away she stayed. This time, she's the one drunk getting in a car with her boyfriend and mine. I feel like a creep. Im just standing here watching the people I love getting in a car, drunk. Cam, he's my boyfriend. His eyes are blue like the ocean, he's about 6'1' and has dark brown hair. He is the sweetest person, if you put the time into getting to know him. He is my everything, I need to stop him. I can't lose him. "Cam! Wait come here!" You can tell he has had to much to drink, just by looking at him. "Cam, can you please stay with me, please? Your too drunk you guys are going to get hurt." Before the words came out I could already smell the hint of beer. "Babe, you have nothing to worry about we will be fine." Oh how I wish, I wish I could believe him. "We are just driving down the road to Jack's, everything will be okay." Jack is a cop and they think dtiving drunk underage will be okay. "I love you more then anything Cam." "I love you too." He gave me a small kiss and a big hug before he ran over to the car. Kate maybe she will listen. "Kate! Wait!" I ran over to the car, why is she driving? "Kate please don't do this let me drive you guys, all of you are drunk and you're going to get hurt." She just looked at me like I told her five year old cousin how babies are made. "No no I'm fine I only had a shot of whiskey." Whiskey hits her system hard about an hour later no matter how small the cup. "Let please let me drive."

"Nope sorry, love ya bye."

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