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This will probably get buried because it's late in the game, I'm not great at articulating things or writing stories, and this is so god-damn long. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But hopefully it might cheer you up? Or not.


I was home from University for winter break. I had broken up with my SO over a year ago, just had the worst sex of my life with the first guy I had a hint of feelings for, and was not looking for a relationship.

I had never been in love and wasn't sure it existed. I didn't think I'd fall in love. I had worked my whole life to get into a top university and now I was working to get into a good graduate school.

Relationships were too time consuming.

My cousin/close friend and I are hanging out during winter break and she suggests we go see a movie at one of those dinner-and-a-movie movie theaters. After much debate, I reluctantly settle for the Hobbit. (It was a great movie, but I didn't think I would like it at the time).

I walk into the theater and in the enormous lounge/bar area I see a cute/handsome waiter. Completely out of my league. (I'm pretty socially awkward and have never considered myself attractive, but my friends describe it as "ugly duckling syndrome." Ugly in high school. Less shitty now). I quickly look down when he lifts his head. We walk past him and I don't dare make eye contact. When I think it's safe, I turn around to get my last look at him. We make eye contact because we both did a double take at the same time. Oops. (Now I know he was checking my ass out. How romantic.)

I head into the theater and we sit down for pre-previews. Although my cousin is pushing me to talk about my past quarter, I'm raving about how hot that guy is to my cousin. There are four people in the whole theater. I see a waiter walk into the theater and squat down to take their order. As the waiter gets up I realize it's him. He's coming towards us. Oh shit. I should order something. I wasn't planning to.

He squats down near my legs. Focus. Focus. "Hi. My name is __can't hear over the panic in my head_ what would you like?" After fumbling with the menu, I order peanut M&M's. He comes back with the order. I want to see him again, I push the button, he returns so I order a Kit Kat bar. Then I push the button again and order water-two cups. I've spent $7 on overpriced candy. Not good- I still have to buy presents.

And now I have to pee. I get up and as I walk out of the theater out of nowhere I hear, "Can I help you?" "OH MY GOD. Oh god. Sorry. You scared me."

He laughs. " yeah no I'm good..just..." [DON'T TELL HIM YOU HAVE TO PEE RosalindSHH] "...out."

At this point I realize my pants only have back pockets into which to place my hands uncomfortably.

He replies, "Oh ok. How's the movie?"

"It's good, it's good. Yeah.." silence Say something. Anything.

"You're wearing TWO sets of glasses!!!!"

"What? Oh yeah, this is so I can watch the Monsters, inc. movie in 3D. I love those movies."

"Me too! I really like pixar." We banter about pixar and some other stuff for a while and then the desire to pee becomes overwhelming.

"Ok, well nice meeting you!"

In the bathroom, I decide I'll write my number on the receipt. He'll never call. That's going to be so embarrassing. Worth a shot. Right? Right. Something something miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Now I've been in the bathroom too long and hope I don't run into him.

As I'm turning the corner back to my theater, he is opening the door to deliver the receipts. "Hey!" I wave.

"Oh hey!" he replies nervously, I think?

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