23) The Profile Layout Part II

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Here we are again, less than 10 rants later, to rant about the new profile layout.

You see, something happened a couple of days ago which I didn't like. One bit.

My profile was changed to the new one. That annoying pop - up message at the top of my screen has finally disappeared and in place has appeared something much worse. You know what I'm talking about.

I know I already talked about some of the things I hate about it but now that I've actually experienced it, I'm back with some more.

1) People can stalk me via the newsfeed:

Before you all ambush me, I know that whatever you do on the Internet is visible to anyone. I've had enough Internet safety lessons to last me 67 lifetimes, people.

But with the old profile, you could only see the last 4 things you voted on and the last 5 things you commented on. Now you can see every single fucking one.

I mean, I don't know about you, but I'm not exactly interested in all that. My life is a whole lot more fulfilling than scrolling through pages and pages of votes and comments, let me tell you that people.

Another thing about the newsfeed is that whenever someone posts on my message board, it's buried under the mountains (okay, fine molehills, I'm not really active on wattpad anymore) of stuff I did on wattpad. And I keep getting confused in this shit as to where the eff is my message. So something that should take me mere seconds to reply to will now take many minutes. And while minutes might not seem like a lot of time to you, it is for me. You'll see what I mean when you're in your last year of high school.

2) I am no longer a megastar:

Okay, so I know I was never a megastar to begin with but there are many on wattpad who no longer seem like a megastar because of the new profile.

Why? You may ask and I will answer (whether you were asking or not is none of my concern).

Firstly, the number of followers has been rounded off to the nearest 100, I think. I'm not entirely sure. So what could be 15,456 followers now looks like this - 15k. I don't know about you, but when it's written in the latter, it just doesn't seem like a big number anymore.

And all the information for their stories is no longer shown. For example, there's a person on here who has a new story and as a result, it's the one at the top with all the numbers for it because it's the most recently updated. But because it's new, it doesn't have a lot of reads, votes or comments. However, her other books have millions of reads and yet not a single person knows that because the numbers just aren't there anymore. So from megastar to peasant she has gone, all because of the new profile.

Nice to know all that hard work has been robbed off her along with the old profile.

And just let me tell you, I know that you can hover over the books to see all the numbers but a) not everyone knows that, I actually discovered it by accident, b) it doesn't even show all the works on the new profile even if you only have, say, 6, c) you can't do that if you're on the mobile version of the website and d) what about all the little things that matter like that completed sign and the rating?

I'm sorry the list was a bit extensive but you know, I need to rant.

3) All numbers have been rounded off:

I know I already mentioned this but it's not just for the followers. It's everything.

Reads? Rounded. Votes? Rounded. Comments? Rounded.

And it might seem like I'm kicking up a huge fuss over nothing but it just doesn't work for me.

Seeing 100k reads, 99k reads and 50k comments just doesn't fucking work for me. Okay? It doesn't seem like a proper big number to me. You know what seems like a proper big number?

145,000 reads, 99450 votes and 54980 comments.

Big numbers right there which gives off a better impression than the first example.

5) The background:

Go and look at mine. Unless you're on the app, then it's pointless but if you're on the website, fucking take a look at it.

What was originally a nice background has now been all chopped up and distorted and made to look like something I tried to cook.

Now I have to look for one that will fit and I don't have the time for that this week so now everyone who has the misfortune of tripping on my profile will see that mess.

Thank you. Thank you so fucking much.

Well, let's cross our fingers and toes and hope nothing else happens.

Vote if you like this rant and comment about below about your opinions now that you've actually got the new profile.

Edit: I have deleted a couple of things off this rant because after reading another rant on here, I realised that this isn't a fucking democracy. It's a bit like Cuba, really except we have freedom of expression. And at the end of the day, it is ultimately you who decides to spend time on this website so like it or leave it.

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