Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Finding bedlam at the aquarium shocked both of us. Nobody seemed to know what was happening. There was a lot of noise but nothing having a positive outcome.

"What's wrong?" I asked into the ruckus as the humans blustered about in a useless manner."

"The animals are acting so bizarre. It's out of the ordinary and we don't know what to do. Belloo's the worst. I've never seen an animal in such distress."

With a quick look at Byron, I tried to stem my panic and headed straight to Belloo. I dashed past all of the exhibits with not only the humans but now my aquatic friends babbling as well. My head pounded with the noise I had to endure.

When I saw Belloo thrashing around, I came to a halt with an abrupt screech. He didn't appear injured but he showed a great deal of stress.

"Belloo!" I called out and the beluga whale stilled.

I watched as the white bulbous head pressed against the glass and stared at me. Reaching out a hand, I touched his enclosure wall.

"What's going on?" I tried to discreetly use his language.

"Where have you been? We're all worried about you. The last thing we want is to lose the only mer we know." Belloo answered me.

"I'm not the only mer you know anymore." I said as I gave a pointed look to Byron.

"He's mer?" Belloo sounded astonished.

"Half mer, half human. I can explain but not here where the humans can see. Everyone needs to calm down." I said the last words in the common fish language.

It was strange how everything went from crazy to calm so quickly. Every human stared at me and then at Byron. The humans knew they'd missed something obvious happening, but I didn't intend to point it out to them.

"Another mer." Belloo whispered as he gazed pointedly at Byron.

"Three. His father just happens to be Marlin." I said and that amazed Belloo.

"Do you think there's more?"

"We don't know. I'm going to be away from here as I figure all of this out. I won't be back every day, so you can't act like you just did again." I scolded the beluga.

"Sorry, but you didn't tell us."

"It all happened so fast that I had no time to figure things out for myself."

"Coral, thank goodness you're here." One of the human voices penetrated through to me, but I just waved them off.

I heard Byron start to order people around, but I kept my eyes focused on my beluga friend. It wasn't long until I realised that silence once more surrounded me.

"He looks at you funny." Belloo said, and I turned to see Byron focused on me.

"I think I'm going to have to extend my no being near any male no matter what species." Byron now eyed Belloo suspiciously.

"He sees you as a threat." I told Belloo who started to chortle.

"Tell him that I only like my own beluga ladies. Sorry to say it but you're far too small and skinny to appeal to me, Coral." Belloo slapped one fin against the glass enclosing him.

"Is he laughing at me?" Byron now glared at Belloo.

"Yes, he wants you to know that I'll never appeal to him due to my skinny, small frame. I'm the only mer they know, so all of my friends are a little protective over me." I waved a hand around the aquarium.

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