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Dialga's POV

'"This is Jurassic Park! Where InGen have kindly given us the money to re-create dinosaurs! We will reward you a life-time free pass to the park if you will invest $5000 at the least to fund th-edgh" I heard the automatic bot say, as the helicopter's windows cleared whilst it soared down from the thick clouds, revealing the crisp, green island contrasted by the vibrant blue waters surrounding it. It was truly beautiful, i thought to myself

"Don't be worried. all we need to do is lay the eggs down in a nest, the others can be taken by the second group of ponies that should come in a day or two" The captain flying the helicopter said firmly to me.

"You found these in the water correct?" I asked him. "most likely it'll be a mosasaurus egg. We can't just let it down in any old raptors nest!" 

"Why?" replied the captain

I sighed "Mosasaurus' are extremely dangerous, and to my knowledge even out of water they can be a threat." 

Suddenly something out of nowhere hit the chopper and it fell down into the trees

"Hold on!" I screeched as it crashed.

There were 10 other terrified ponies in the chopper along with me and the captain. There was an almighty roar and along came the bulkiest dinosaur known to man/pony, the Giganotosaurus. I sprinted to the back of the chopper and started uncovering the emergency Rocket launchers but the dinosaur bit off a chunk of metal from the front of the chopper taking the terrified captain with it. The captain squealed and was swallowed whole whilst the huge beast was trying to claw into the chopper at the same time. The beast fled and all went black.'

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