Chapter 1

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****Alice's POV****

Home. It's where most people want to be, right? Well, not me. For me, home is the last place I want to be. I want to be out enjoying my life. Going to football games, partying, hanging out with freinds and going to dances. Mostly, I want to be reunited with my best friend, Niall Horan. Where is he? Honestly, I don't know anymore. He left Ireland last year to audition for the X factor. I haven't heard from him since. I don't know what he does, where he lives, who his friends are and what he's become. Since he left for the X factor last year, my life has been nothing. Niall was my everything. He gave me one of the most important things in my life, a 4 leaf clover neacklace made of little diamonds. It's my good luck charm.

I might not ever see Niall again. I've heard his name a few times, from total strangers around town. They shouldn't know who he is. He was never the most popular person around. In fact, I was one of Niall's only friends. Ever since he left, my life has been worthless. Yeah, I cut my arms and have scars all over them but that's about the most damage I've done to myself. Why did I never commit suicide? Every time I tried, I was caught and told to put the leash away and rip the letter to pieces. I've been depressed since Niall left, and only one person is trying to help me. My best girlfriend, Meghan, is taking me to a One Direction concert in a few weeks, and I have to sneak out just to go. I'm not a huge fan of them, but Meghan is. She knows all there names, and she won't tell me what they are. Why don't I look them up? I don't have a computer. Every time I ask Meghan what there names are, she refuses to tell me, she says it's "for the best".


****Niall's POV****

I'm going home. Not for vacation, but for a concert. Why am I so happy? The town we're going to where my best friend, Alice, lives. I hope she goes. Alice is my everything, and I was devasted when she didn't ask to come with me when I left to audtion for the X factor. Ever since Simon put the band together, my life has been great, but if I still had Alice, it would be better.

She lives in Ireland. I haven't heard from her since I left. Oh, I would do anything to hear her voice again. If I just get up and leave, mangement would kill me. All I think about is the memories Alice and I share. My favorite one, is from when we were 13 years old.

We were at the park, laying under a big oak tree, with no one else around. We were in the middle of one of our heart to heart conversations.

"Alice, do you know what I want to do with my life?"

"No, what?"

"I wanna be famous."

"Oh, really? What about me?"

"I would want you with me, of course."

"I don't want to be famous though."

"You will in a few years."

"Ok, Niall. Whatever you think."

I smiled when Alice said this, knowing it wasn't going to happen. I turned to look at her, and before I knew what I was doing, I said the 3 words that I had been dying to tell her.

"I love you, Alice."

"I love you to, Niall."

And then I did something else.I looked into her eyes and before I could think twice. I leaned in and kissed her. As I did, I felt a little exlosion in my stomach

I daydreamed about Alice for a few more minutes beofre I was interuptted by Louis

"Hey Nialler, what are you thinking about?"


"You really miss this girl, don't you?"

'Well yeah, she's my best friend."

"What about us?"

"You guys are to, but I've known Alice almost my whole life. She means a lot to me, Louis, and I really want to be with her again."

"Well maybe she got tickets for the concert in Ireland."

"I hope so."

2 weeks later in Mullinger, Ireland

****Alice's POV****

"C'mon, Aubry, lets go!!!" Meghan shouted excitedly. Yes, it was time for the One Direction concert, and I wasn't very excited.

"Ok, ok, I'm coming." I replied, trying to sound exctied. I ran downstairs, trying to choke back my tears and put on a smile.

"Ok, Alice, I know you're about to cry, but just trust me, ok?"

"Ok, Meghan, I trust you."

"Ok, then lets go."

I sighed then followed Meghan out the door to her car. I opened the passanger door and climbed in, still about ot burst into tears.

"Don't cry, Alice, this is gonna be fun. These guys are hot." Meghan said.

"Ok, Meghan, whatever you say."

****Niall's POV****

"Niall, are you ready?" I heard Zayn shout.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a minute." I answered. Honestly, I wasn't ready. I didn't want to go out and see all the screaming fans. The only person I wanted to see right now was Alice.

"Niall, c'mon, you need to come out." Pauls voice came through the door of my dressing room.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming." I answered.

I hoped Alice was here. I hope she knew who I was and what I did.

I got up and walked out into the hall with the rest of the boys. They were all exctied and happy, but not me. I was sad and depressed. I didn't want to go onstage. I wanted to stay in my dressing room and think about Alice.

"Ok, boys your on in 3,2,1" I heard someone say. It was time to smile, even if I didn't want to.

The 5 of us ran onto the stage, the music to What Makes You Beautiful playing. The fans were screaming and singing along. I ignored the "Niall, we love you's" I kept hearing and searched the crowd for Alice. And then I saw her.

5 rows back, in the first seat. She looked beautiful. Before I knew what I was doing, I called her name.

"Alice? Is that you?" I said. The crowd fell silent and Alice turned to look at me. I noticed she was frowning, but as soon as she saw me, the biggest smile came on her face.

"Niall." I heard her say.

She ran up on stage and gave me a big hug. That was the last thing I remember before falling off the stage and crashing into the ground, Alice still in my arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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