In the River

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You stood on the banks of the river Styx, deep in the underworld. In the distance, you could hear the screams of the tortured souls on the fields of punishment, and far away in the horizon, you could see a huge, shining light that could only be Elysium.

In front of you, the river styx flowed by, it's navy blue currents swirling slowly past. Seemingly random objects polluted the water, floating aimlessly downstream.

Being a daughter of Posiedon, you had never feared the water before. After all, you could breath underwater, and it was physically impossible for you to drown.

But here, standing on the black sand on the banks of the river styx, fear gripped your heart like an iron fist. Suddenly, a strong, comforting hand gripped your shoulder. You turned to see your half-brother, Percy Jackson looking at you, his sea green eyes brimming with concern.

"Y/N, you don't have to do this." He said, "It's not to too late to turn back."

You shook your head. As tempting as it was, you couldn't run away. "I can't give up now, after what everyone has been through." You said. "I have to bathe in the styx and become invincible, it's the only way we have a chance of winning the third titan war."

"Yeah, but..." Percy protested "Why can't I do it. I survived becoming invincible once, during the war with Kronos, and no one else should have to go through that pain."

You shook your head again. You knew your brother cared about you more than anyone, but right now, he really wasn't helping. "Percy, you know the rules, a person can only become invincible once."

It was true. After Percy's curse of the Achilles had been washed off during the giant war, someone else had to become invincible. And that someone was you.

Clenching your jaw with determination,you walked towards the river styx.

"Y/N, wait." Said Percy suddenly.

You sighed, "For the last time Percy, I'm going to do this-"

"No, that's not what I was going to say." He interrupted, "I just wanted to prepared when you go in there. The river will cause you...pain. Excruciating pain." He shuddered a but, "When I bathed in the styx, it was...horrible."

You smiled. "Thanks Percy. I'll be fine." And with that, you jumped into the river styx.

As soon as your skin made contact with the water, you knew a lifetime of preparation would not have prepared you for this. Pain tore at your every organ. You felt like acid was burning your skin. Your head slipped underwater, and the pain multiplied by a thousand.

Your lungs burned for air, but for the first time, you couldn't breath underwater. You were drowning...drowning...

A thousand voices were echoing in your mind.

Be Prepared when you go in there

Stay safe

Come back alive

The voices of everyone you had ever known seemed to be coming back to you. You tried to focus on them. Focus on your mortal point. But you couldn't, the pain was just too much.

Suddenly, one voice stood out. You recognized it. It was your best friend's voice, Nico Di Angelo.

Oh, no, you aren't dying on me that easily. He said.

Suddenly, you weren't at river styx anymore. You were in the canoe lake, bobbing in the water. You had fallen out of your canoe. That was all. On the docks, Nico was there, smiling at you. You were the only person he smiled around.

Nico sighed, still smiling. "Alright, take my hand." He held out his olive brown hand to you. You stared at it, unsure what to do.

He smirked, "Come on, Water Brain, take my hand, let me pull you out."

You smiled at your nickname, and slowly reached out your hand. His fingers closed around yours, and he pulled.

You burst out of the river styx, gasping for air. Every muscle in your body ached, and your whole body burned.

"Y/N!" You heard Percy shout. Lifting your head, you saw him crouching over you. "Oh gods, your burned! Here, ambrosia."

You felt him stuff a chunk of ambrosia into your mouth. Instantly, thre burning in your bones receded. Taking a deep breath, you sat up.

"But..what happened...the canoe lake..." You stuttered. For a second, Percy looked confused. Then, his eyes widened.

"You-you saw yourself at the canoe lake?" He asked, surprised. You nodded.

"It must have been a hallucination." You muttered.

"Was someone there to pull you out?" Percy inquired further. You frowned.

"How did you know that?" You asked.

"When I bathed in the styx, I had a vision too" he hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Annabeth was in it. I had fallen into the canoe lake, and she was there to pull me out. She was what anchored me to the mortal world. The reason I had to live."

Percy cocked his head, "I know it's personal, so I'm not gonna' ask you who you saw. But whoever it was, they're the reason you live."

Your eyes widened. Nico is the reason I live?

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