Chapter 1

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"Wake up! It's time to get up and at 'em!" A woman burst into the room, whisking open the blinds to the six by seven foot window.

Rays of warm sunshine flooded into the room, covering the tan and bronze carpeting, along with the beige painted walls. The bedroom itself was plain enough. Only a pale dresser and closet, paired with a bed, sat inside. Beneath the crisp white sheets was a young girl, emerald green hair tangled in a mass, covering the little one's face. A pale hand reached out of the covers, stretching out to block the blazing brightness that was streaming into the room. "What time is it?" A croaky voice, filled with grogginess, groaned out from the small female.

"It's nearly eight o'clock, my dear. And you need to get ready for tutoring with Antonio, or you'll be late for your eight fifteen lesson," The woman lectured.

With a sigh, the child whipped her hair behind her, revealing a fair face, appearing no older than ten. Her lips were soft pink in color, nose petite and round, amber eyes - that nearly glowed - looked up to the woman she had grown so close to.

The woman was her personal maid. In her mid forties, she was rather plump with chubby cheeks that became more prominent when she smiled. Her curly blonde hair was pulled back into a bun, and her soft hazel eyes gazed with concern at the girl. "You know dear, you've recently been acting rather...strange. Closed off. Are you feeling well?"

The girl hesitated in responding. Something had happened, something rather big. But she knew she couldn't tell anyone, even if she always told her personal maid, Sara, everything.

The other day while out on a stroll, the young girl had been swaying her arms around, practicing a dance she had seen a foreigner doing a few times. She was walking by a lake while moving her arms and the next thing she knew she was soaked with water. She looked around her to see what had just happened when she realized no one was there but her, and the lake looked less full. She gestured with her arms again and the water dipped and rose at her command. After that she rushed home and tried to pretend nothing had happened, claiming she had fallen into the pond on accident.

The problem was, it did happen, and she knew what it meant. She was the Avatar. But, the world didn't need an Avatar, peace had been achieved after the long hard work of the pervious benders before her. She knew the only thing the Avatar would bring was greed and jealousy. People would want to abuse the power she had, so what was she supposed to do?

Plastering on a tight smile, the girl replied, "Everything's good. Will Aaron be joining me for my lesson?"

Sara gazed at the girl with narrow eyes, even if the girl had tried to distract the woman with talk of her son, "Yes, he will be, now get dressed and ready, and he will meet you at the training field," The woman walked over to the door, stopping in the doorway, "Mika, you would tell me if something was bothering you, would you not?"

The girl, Mika - or rather Mikaela - felt her back straightened, her palms suddenly feeling clammy. The last thing she wanted to do was lie to the person who was basically her mother. "You know I love and cherish you, Sara."

"And I you too, dear. But you didn't answer the question."

"I know."

With one last look, Sara left, disappearing down the hallway.

Mikaela sighed, now alone in the room. She swiped off her covers and got up to get ready.

Now dressed, Mikaela currently strolled down the halls of her family's mansion. She came from a noble family with old money, residing within the earth kingdom. Her appearance was designed to show her status. Her traditional robes were of a deep green with contrasting pale tan edges. On the front was the symbol of a pastel hummingbird. Her outfit was many things, mobile was not one of them. She wasn't able to move with any ease whatsoever, making it difficult to do anything but sit and be a pretty face - which just happened to be something Mikaela despised to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2019 ⏰

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