Chapter 1

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I was falling into a hole. Thump, thump, thump and I landed on grass. The scenery in front of me was beautiful but then, there was a sound behind. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! "Scarlet! Scarlet!" a woman exclaimed. She sounded very angry. It was like, I killed her family or something.

I woke up. Right. Its just a dream. And its Science now. How did I even fell asleep at such a moment with the teacher teaching in front? This is way too uncool. I snapped out of my mind immediately but my brain flashed me with many pictures.

When my mind was back to reality, Mr Matthew is just right beside me asking, "Haven't you slept enough last night?"

"Nah, I ate a few panadol because I had a migraine and it makes me sleepy, so yeah." I lied.

Mr Matthew went back to his teaching. Let's be honest. I lie a lot to hide my past. In fact, my existence is already a lie so its nothing wrong to continue the lie right?

The bells rang. Everyone left the classrooms for break. I went to the lockers and waited for Sandy. She walked pass me and ignored me like I was thin air. At first, I did not realized it until I saw her famous braids. She taught me how to tie it and I, being the one that couldn't absorb new things that fast, still isn't very good with it.

Wait, why was she even ignoring me like thin air? I arched an eyebrow at her back. Why?

I stomped my way to her and grabbed her by her arm, swinging her to face me. "What happened? Why are you ignoring me?" I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

Her calm expression scared me the most, it was like she had predicted something like this to happen. She smiled at me, almost fake. "What are you talking about?" She struggled her arm, making me let go.

"You..." I was cut off with a high pitched, familiar squeaky voice I hated the most from behind me. Grr.. Georgia.

"Hey, Sandy. Let's go to the cafeteria together." Georgia, no I mean Georbina stood beside Sandy, smiling at her. Sandy, surprisingly smiled back too.

I widened my eyes at the scene I just saw. Am I having illusions or are these really happening in front of me? Because the Sandy I used to know hated Georgia to her guts. Why the sudden befriend?

"Scarlet, oh Scarlet dear. Have you really thought that I've befriended you all along?" Sandy said, shooting me a devious smile. "You're just a nerd that does nothing but study so, don't come looking for me anymore." She spun around, whipping her blonde braid.

Georgia started laughing as she spun around too. I stood there, being dumbfounded. All those memories spent with Sandy were fake, fake, fake.

Tears started swarming out of my eyes. I quickly made my way to the toilet. I stood in front of the mirror, taking off my thick glasses. I looked into my reflection, feeling pathetic. I never had mascara nor any makeups on since I never felt comfortable wearing them so I wasn't worried about my tears would ruin any makeups.

I look ugly.

I strolled into one of the stall and locked the door behind me. I curled on the toilet bowl, with my head buried into my knees. Why? After what happened at home, and now losing a once-best-friend? I can't take these dramas anymore, I seriously can't. I wiped the tears off my face.

I got off the toilet bowl and exited the stall. I walked back to class, grabbing my bag. I'm leaving this place, I'm leaving.

This would really be my first time flunging classes. I walked towards the parking lot to get my car. I shoved my bag into my minivan as another stream of tears started streaming down my cheeks.

I took out my phone and called my brother. He didn't answer. Where's my brother when I needed him the most?

I gave up calling him and started the minivan. I drove out of hell and ended up driving around town, feeling miserable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2015 ⏰

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