Chapter 1 - The plan

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Chapter 1

Daenarys stood on the balcony overlooking the idyllic, beautiful coastline. The sand was white and the sea a shade or turquoise that reflected the brilliant sun gloriously.

The breeze in her silver blonde hair felt like cool fingers caressing her scalp. Dany closed her eyes and hoped this moment of peace would last but she knew it wouldn't, it never did. Dany didn't hate her life, not exactly, raised and manipulated by her brother she never had it easy.

After her mother, father and siblings were slaughtered by the usurper viserys managed to get them to safety by crossing the narrow sea. They had lived with illerio a rich merchant for as long as she remembered, he was kind to them and said he believed viserys and her were the rightful heirs. This made viserys happy, he needed all the support he could get. Viserys wasn't a normal brother to Dany, yes he raised her like a parent and in many ways guarded her but he had a mean side, a spiteful side that he wasn't afraid to use. He hurt Dany a lot, whether she disobeyed him or showed any disagreement to him. Viserys wasn't all bad though, they had some good moments aswell that Dany was sure never to forget.

"Princess, your bath is ready." Alaya called, she was one of dany's maids, she was her favourite.

"I will be there in a minute." Dany said, she wanted to enjoy this serene state. The breeze made Dany feel cold as she stood there in her sheer lilac nightdress. Dany closed the doors and walked to the bath. It was huge, it had oils and scents in that made Dany dizzy with joy. The steam was clearly viable but it didn't stop her from waking into it, setting herself down on the seat underwater.

"Princess it's too hot." Dany's other maid dory called clearly concerned. However seeing that the water was not burning her, she left Dany to it.

"Ah sweet sister, may I say you look splendid as ever." Viserys stood as Dany entered the dining room, he and illerio were already there waiting on her.

"Thank you viserys, as do you." Dany replied quietly, settling herself onto one of the chairs. He wore his usual targaryan outfit, deep purple trousers and shirt with the dragon sigil proudly above his heart. Looking at him reminded her of looking at herself. They both had the same silver hair although hers reached her bottom and his ended at the shoulders. Their eyes were a unique shade of lilac with gold flecks in them. The siblings skin was light, translucent almost and flawless. The targaryans were know for their inhuman beauty and Dany and viserys were no exception. Dany smoothed her dress over her thighs, it was a gold robe which matched the shades in her eyes, her shoulders and arms were free from the fabric. Illerio smiled over at Dany clearly pleased with her choice of clothing.

"We were just discussing our next move, I'm rather homesick." He smiled, that was all he ever spoke about really, home.

"And? Have u got a plan?" Dany asked, she had to act interested or he got angry with her.

"Well we do, it involves the Starks."

"The Starks of winterfell?" Her years of studying came in handy.

"Yes and your going to help us establish their trust." He smiled at illerio making Dany anxious.

"How?" She asked.

"Your going to marry the heir to winterfell, Robb Stark." He grinned uncontrollably making Dany scared and confused at the same time.

"I don't want to marry him, I won't marry him." Dany never spoke up to him in fear of waking the dragon but she couldn't let him do this.

The smile on his lips quickly faded.

"You can marry him and you will marry him, it's being arranged as we speak." He asserted his power over her as he usually did.

Dany felt her whole world collapsing around her, she wanted to go home, she didn't want to marry yet, she didn't even know what he looked like!

"I'm not hungry anymore." Dany took the napkin off of her lap and threw it onto the table standing up.

"Whether you like it or not it's happening Dany." He said, she fled the room with burning tears falling from her eyes.

Hi guys, new story what do you think, much different from lana snow I kind of developed my writing to make it better! Anyways enjoy and please comment or direct message me xx

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