Chapter 1 (Jane)

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Ancient Rome was an amazing, busy sight filled with unique smells and sounds. It was one of Jane's favorite places to go. She had gotten into the act and put on a toga and sandals but her leather-wrapped vortex manipulator was still on her wrist. 

She had split up with the Doctor a few months ago when he had given her a vortex manipulator.  "Just don't ask me where I got it," he had said. They planned to meet up again in Rome on Jane's birthday.  Jane was turning eighty-seven but she still looked like a thirteen year old human and still considered a child. 

She had been so caught up in her thoughts that she almost got run over by a cart. The driver yelled something at her in Latin which was automatically translated in her head because she had been around the TARDIS for so long. 

Speaking of the TARDIS she started to hear a very familiar sound behind her. The sound of the TARDIS with the parking brake left on. It must be the Doctor. 

She followed the sound for a little while and saw the familiar blue box appear near a stand selling pottery. She ran over to it just as the door was opening. 

The man who came out was old, gray and wearing a suit that had red cloth on the inside of the jacket. He began to say her name with a scottish accent but she interrupted him with a hug. He had regenerated but he was still the Doctor and he was still her brother. Time Lords usually have a way of recognizing each other in regenerated forms, especially family. 

"No not the hugging!" The Doctor said trying to pull away from her. 

"I don't care, I'm your sister, it's my job." Jane said, gripping him more tightly. 

He gave up struggling and she hugged a little while longer than released. Clara came from around the control panel with a curious smile on her face. 

"How did you know it was him?" she asked. 

"You think I wouldn't recognize him again? I guess I just have a way of knowing." Jane said and then she hugged Clara too. 

Jane turned to the Doctor again and said, "This is what, you're twelfth regeneration?" 

"Actually this is my fourteenth." 

"What? How is that..." 

"No time to explain! It's your birthday, so where do you want to go?" He asked. 

Before Jane could answer the phone on the outside of the TARDIS started ringing. The Doctor picked it up cautiously, listened for a while, and then hung up. 

He turned to Jane and Clara and said, "It appears before we do that, that we have a crisis to avert." 

Influence (A Sequel to The Doctor's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now