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I walked into class and realized we were getting new seats.

"Your seat partner will also be your partner for the next project," our teacher announced. Groans erupted from the whole class. I just hope I get put next to someone who is okay.

I looked around the room. Luke met my eyes and I quickly looked away. I do not want to be partners with him. He is the class gossiper. He will find out any juicy secrets anyone has and spread them through the school. Poor Susey last year was a victim of his gossip. She moved away now.

Most people think that a girl would be a gossiper but nope. Luke, a tall, blonde, blue eyed boy is our school gossiper. Sometimes you wonder how he finds out some of this stuff.

I was looking out the window, daydreaming, when the teacher called my name.

"Taylor Hood and Ginger Irwin, you two will be partners and your seats are the back of the first row," she said.

I don't know much about Ginger. I know a lot about her step brother, Ashton, though. Calum hates him. Like a lot. I don't even know the reasoning behind the hatred.

I've never talked to Ginger. Calum told me to stay away from her. It's kinda hard to do that now since we are partners.

"Do you know the deal behind Calum and Ashton's hatred?" Ginger asked me as we sat down.

"No idea," I responded.

"I heard that Ashton stole Calum's ex girlfriend and he got really pissed about it so he took it out on Ashton and they had a full out fist fight," Luke interjected.

"Did we ask you?" Ginger said to him. I couldn't help but snicker at her sass. I like her already.

Luke stood with his mouth open for a while before he was called to take a seat on the opposite side of the room.

"I hope that our brother's hatred towards each other doesn't effect our chance of being friends," I said to Ginger.

"Of course it won't. We are totally different people."

"Great! Then let's become friends."

"Yes! Lets!"

We exchanged numbers as our teacher was telling us about our partner assignment.


"Mom I'm home! And I have a friend! We are doing a project together!" I called through the house as I walked in the door.

"Okay honey!" my mom called back.

"I told you she would be okay with it," I said to Ginger.

"Much better than my step mom would've been. She would've wanted to know everything about you," Ginger replied with a giggle. I giggled back.

"Hey mom have you seen my- what the fuck is she doing here?" Calum asked as he came down the stairs. He looked pretty mad.

"Calum, we-"

"I told you not to talk to her! She's just as bad as Ashton is!"

"Ashton's my step brother so we aren't even blood related," Ginger said.

"What's your last name?" He stood directly in front of her.


"What's Ashton's last name?"


"That's all the information I need to know you are the same as he is." He turned and started to walk away.

"Calum!" I yelled at him. He quickly spun around with an even angrier look.

"Did you just yell at me?!" he said. I ignored his question.

"Ginger and I were out as partners for this project. And I can become friends with her if I want. She's so much different than Ashton. Why do you two even hate each other anyway?"

"It's complicated. And fine. I guess there is a chance she could be different. But one small thing and I'll know you're exactly the same." And he walked away.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Brothers will be brothers," Ginger said.

"I just wish Mali wasn't off at college. She would understand," I said.

"It's okay. The things he says don't bother me because technically I'm not really an Irwin."

"Yea. I guess. Lets just go start this project."

We walked upstairs to my bedroom.


This fan fiction I'm writing with @NiallsOreos93 from twitter!! I hope you guys like it! Please vote for this one and comment and also check out the other fan fiction on this account!!

My twitter is @KissMeHemmx if you wanna ask me about writing with me and my main wattpad is heyyofangirl if you wanna check out my stories on there.

And now I officially welcome you to Mess // 5sos fan fiction. Enjoy :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2014 ⏰

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