History of the Lone Star

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Mexico sat at his desk rubbing his temples, a Tejan settler, Haden Edwards, has tried to declare independence and the people saw it as a joke. His government, on the other hand, was another story. Then again when the United States tried to buy Tejas land, twice. Which was not helping his government.

The man sighed and looked over to his son, the boy who ruled the land to the north. The boy who's very being was sealed into the lenses of his glasses, how he knew that and how it was possible he would never know. The boy simply called, Tejas. He sat on the floor writing in his little book with messy handwriting with his black hair pulled back into a ponytail with a red ribbon with his bangs hanging over his eye. A cross necklace that Spain had given him hung from his neck, even though Mexico despised the country of Spain he didn't despise the person Spain. The man was his brother after all and a pretty decent one.

"Niño, come here," Mexico told his son softly. The boy looked up and walked over to Mexico bringing along his book.

"What are you writing about this time?" Mexico asked plopping the boy on his lap.

"It's about the things I saw in the United States. There were a lot of pretty flowers that I found, see" the boy said opening his book flipping through the pages showing what he had written.

Mexico smiled as the boy spoke. Tejas always has such a great drive to learn. The entire time they were in the United States he asked question after question almost faster then he could write. But the look on America's face as he answered every question in the simplest terms possible for the boy to understand was one of determination. Mexico had thanked America for that, America said it wasn't a problem and learning is always a great interest. He hoped to go on another visit a bit further north so Texas could see more wildlife and hopefully keep him away from skunks, with America thankfully did the time before grabbing him before he could get any closer to the stinky creatures.

Tejas rambled on about different animals and the 'walking cactus' witch was actually a porcupine and America, as well as Mexico, had to convince him not to pet, or poke the animal.

Mexico sat there with his son in sweet bliss. Mexico moving in his chair to have Tejas laying on his chest. The boy gave a confused look before Mexico gently placed his notebook on his desk.

"It's time for your nap Niño" Mexico claimed. The boy whined and complained that he wasn't tired. But it wasn't long after Mexico starting humming a few songs before the boy had fallen asleep.

Mexico smiled carefully standing up and lay the boy down on his bed. He smiled at the child. He was just so tiny and huggable, how his hazel eyes shined with stars at almost everything and everyone. To Mexico, Tejas' eyes always matched the color of honey. But that should be expected from such a sweet child. Although he was oblivious to most social cues and reading the mood of a room.

Mexico picked up Tejas and walked him down the hall and go the right. Gently pushing open his door to see the boy's other half reading on the floor, well at least he was reading on the floor. How he was asleep with his face on a book. Mexico laughed lightly before placing Tejas on one half of the twin's shared bed. Then he went around and picked up Coahuila placing him on the other side. Raising the twins was difficult but very rewarding in terms of pride. Mexico kissed their foreheads before carefully leaving the room.

He had 2 hours for this meeting before the twins woke up. 2 and a half is he was lucky.

The days passed, then weeks then months, there wasn't much incident between the government and the people. Well at least until Santa Ana was elected president. Everything went wrong.

Mexican walked into the room after a meeting with Santa Ana, he didn't like the future that was ahead of him.

"Padre?" Tejas asked.

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