Chapter 1 - All About You

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Alright, let's begin this then. I sat at my desk sighing, the last thing I had to do before I left for college was fill out this personality sheet and email it to the accommodation office. I applied for the shared dorm accommodation and so that everyone gets a roommate they get along with, UMich sends out these personality quizzes for your interets, passions, whether you are introverted or extroverted, stuff like that. Normally I wouldn't mind a simple thing like this, especially if it benefits me but... I don't know, maybe if I hold off doing this I can hold off college and revert back to kindegarten and never grow up and never be an adult and never pay bills. I take a deep breath and sigh, I am actually super excited for college, but also super nervous. Shaking off the anxiety I fill in the form. Hobbies? Acting, singing and dancing (I am a perfomance arts major after all). I jot down baking, reading and all things movies. (I am a film, televsion and media major as well.) The thought of my double major being too much work crosses my mind but I bat it away, especially considering I'm not doing any minors. It is funny though, going to college at 16 (I turn 17 in two months so I'm basically there already). I feel like some sort of prodigy but all it took was getting accelerated two years in the second grade and going into kindy a year younger than most others. The rest of the personality form is simple: are you more extroverted or introverted? Extroverted for sure, although I do appreciate some solid alone time. Will you be off campus on the weekends? No way! I'm driving 7 hours to get to Michigan from Toronto already, I am not commuting literally between countries every weekend. I will however go home at breaks I guess, I'm honestly banking on making some great friends during college, and quickly. None of my high school friends are going to UMich, or anywhere close, so I do want to make some tight friends asap. I'm kind of glad though, being younger than everyone put a barrier between me and the others in my classes and we never really clicked anyway. It wasn't something I minded, and even when they were mean I just sort of brushed it off. Well, not really... I guess I would have to say I cried a lot and bottled it down and did nothing about it. The memory makes me sad and I wipe away a tear. I really, really hope I get along with my roommate. The remainder of the questions are simple and easy to answer:

Do you have a bf/gf? Nope.

Do you smoke? Nope.

Do you cook? Yeah, I guess.

Do you get up early or late? Early out of the options, but somewhere in a healthy middle.

Do you go to bed early or stay up late? Definitely stay up late.

Do you tend to be messier, or neater? Neater but that's only if I remind myself to keep things neat.

How do you feel about parties? Do you love them, once in a while, as long as they don't get out of hand, not interested or as long as you aren't hosting? As long as they don't get out of hand I am down to chug crappy cruisers and laugh at people drunker and dumber than me.

Finally the last question,

What are you looking for in a roommate? Someone I can trust and rely on, and sing loudly (and badly) with, someone who will offer to beat up people that hurt me, someone who uses me as a shoulder to cry on and someone who I can be myself around 24/7. A best friend.

Jesus, I'm sappy as fuck.

I give it a once over and send it off, savoring the little whoosh  the computer makes. My parents honking the car outside startles me and I grab my laptop and stand up, looking around at my room. It's like a hotel room with the lack of any personal touches. I used the packing up as an excuse to do a deep clean and get rid of the clutter. A smile spreads across my face, I'm going to fucking college! I bound down the stairs and into the car, all my bags are loaded up already and I'm tightly packed into the backseat along with my bags and what seems like several million stuffed toys. It's a good things I'm so small, I stand at a solid 5'1'' (It's really only 5' but that's just ridiculous and I refuse to accept it).

"Mom! I told you I wasn't bring these guys, they were gonna stay in the attic, remember?" I sigh and pinch the ear of a plushie dog.

"I know sweetie and I respect your wishes, I just thought you might want one to take with you, and I wasn't sure which one, so I brought them all."

I beam at my mom as my dad starts the car and we're off.

"Hey kiddo, guess what?" My dad chuckles as we pull out of the driveway.


"You're going to fucking college!!" He exclaims, just as pumped as I am, and I laugh as my mom's  cry of "Language!" goes unnoticed. After listening to musical soundtracks for 3 hours, I nod off, leaning on Mount Fuzzy, the name I gave to the endless supply of toys beside me. An hour or so before we are set to arrive I wake up, stretching my arms out only to whack them on the roof of the car. I check my phone for notifications and see an email in my inbox from UMich. The subject line reads, 'Your Roommate Details'. I quickly open it and read all about my new roommate, she sounds so cool. We both love musical theatre and the performing arts, I snort when I see she listed eating as a hobby.

"What's so funny?" My mom asks, and my dad looks offended as if his dramatic lipsyncing to Madonna was not the height of hilarity.

"Oh just something my roommate put on her form. She sounds awesome!"

"That's great hon. What's her name?"

"Lauren Lopez."

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