Pretty (months) late, but better than never ;)

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Tag, you're it. Damn.

Thanks to dearest Maso-kins (but yes, I do still love you, my little lioness ;)) now I'm in the strange place to blab about myself as well... Well shit... But I'll try my best and the idea of blabbing already excites me a bit, so @MaSoAnglomaniaHamlet , you do not have to worry about a possible revenge. I hope.

So... here we go.

1) First of all, as you all know, but meh, I'm a huge fangirl. Fact. My main fandoms atm are HP, LotR, The Hobbit, Tfios, Divergent, THG, The Selection and GoT. As @MarvrilliaLondonia can surely tell you, I had a complete freakout when she gave me a "ohmygosh, it's so beautiful and pretty and I love it to bits" mockingjay pin. I literally started jumping up and down and squealed and flapped my arms and spun around. So far this was the second craziest fangirl moment I've ever had. Number one was the visit to the HP Studio Tour :D

2) I've never finished writing a book. Never ever. I created Sanna, the main character of SAP, in second grade. So... many moons ago :) and she has lived through 3 or 4 books by now without ever getting an end... poor thing :D

3) I talk very quickly and very much. Whenever I give a presentation, I give out a sign for my fellow class mates saying "slower" or "much slower" :D It's a bit strange, considering my desired profession, but oh well, I'm working on it and it's not as bad anymore as it used to be.

4) I want to become a teacher. Go ahead and laugh, but what else am I supposed to do?! My best subjects are English and Latin (well... maybe not the best, but certainly those I enjoy), and I don't think you can do much else with those two :D But I also enjoy teaching people things, so that's pretty much ok for me :D

5) I'm really quiet and shy, if I don't know you. Even though no one ever believes me, I am an introvert. If I have to, or have a social phase, I'm gonna be open and nice and stuff, but mostly I stick to myself rather than talking to people. I'd never do the first step. Gee, talking to anyone from the other gender when I might have a thing for them is close to impossible, because I'm so darn afraid to say something stupid. So I'm quite thankful that my current, wonderful, boyfriend decided to just grab me and kiss me :D

6) I almost got all A's this semester. Dunno why I'm saying this, but I think it's mostly because I'm kinda really proud on that and I don't give a frog about what others say about me.

7) I play the guitar... or at least I try to. I have a really pwetty black guitar that even makes some pwetty sounds if some pro plays it, but I'm just there, sitting in music class all like: "Yep, I'll play some pentatonic stuff... As long as someone tells me how..." :D

8) What I'm more a pro at is singing. I sing at every moment and mostly very loudly. It does happen that I'm waiting for the bus and just start singing because I'm in the mood for it. Yup, le me, casually being a crazy llamacorn.

9) All my currently created character names were found in my latin dictionary... How? I just run my finger down on the inside with my eyes closed, when I get some inspirational feeling, I flip open a page, run my finger across it and stop at a word. If it's a nice word, it will be included in the character's name whilst the real meaning decides what the person will be like.

10) When I won my first Author Games, I cried. Like, I was just on the phone and suddenly my phone vibrated and I just looked at it, read, saw Antonia's name, squealed. And then I started sobbing uncontrollably for at least half an hour, much to my poor phone person's distress...

11) If there's one thing I really want to do, it's meeting the queen. Not like personally, just for a moment, because I just admire this incredibly strong woman so very much and yeah... :D

12) My favourite dish is.... Uhm... well, something between pizzaaaaaaa and lasagna. But also everything with mushrooms. And Zucchini. That one I love. And awesome cheese... yup.... :D

13) I'm an anti-vegetarian, which basically means that I prefer meat to many things... :D And I hate most vegetables...

14) I should really be studying instead of blabbing....

15) I am somehow obsessed with black pencils... Wanna make me a happy writer? Give me an entirely black and ROUND pencil and I'll be darn happy :D Round pencils are just so damn comfortable... ;)

16) My reading record so far was the Twilight saga.... Sorry... A friend gave the last two books to me after we watched HP 6 and I started reading in the night and was done with both books by 10 in the morning... with sleeping from 5-8 am :D

17) My all-time favourite movie might be Les Mis, for all I know... there aren't many movies to make me cry every darn frogging time ;)

18) I only cry at movies when I'm watching them alone or with really close friends, like my dear Anglomaniac ;) Remember Tfios? :D And you were all relaxed and I was like: Don't start sobbing now, Lisa! Be strong :D

19) I want to have 2 children, preferably daughters some day... it has somehow been stuck in my mind since fourth grade and yup... I'm also a huge wedding fan... It's one of those days I want to be really perfect or magical or both... oh, the poor man that has to marry me... xD

20) I'm not as slim as I want to be. But hey, I get along with that... Instead of taking fat, I was given a rather great voice (sorry, not sorry, I really like it mostly :D) and long eyelashes... who cares if I have hips broader that an old TV? I certainly don't. Not anymore. And I'm really happy to be able to stand in front of the mirror and say: Damn, you look really good in this.

So... you all should stay just as perfect as you've always been and if you're not perfect, make yourself perfect by becoming an awesome happy llamacorn and a fangirl and find something on yourself to fangirl about. I love you all :)

There's probs no need to tag anyone now... like, months after I've been tagged... but oh well :) And I was lazy and didn't run it through a spell check... sorry, not sorry ;)

P.S.: I still hope that one day someone presents me my Hogwarts letter... or tells me I'm secretly a fairy princes.... Like, you know, those fairies that are gray and have a trunk ;) <3

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