Chapter 1

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   "Harper! Harper!" yells Paisley from across the hall, as she runs over to Harper. Harper waves her hand up high as she can and waves at Paisley. Paisley pushes through the hallway. crowds to get to Harper, who stands by her bright coral locker with notebook in hand
  Out of breath Paisley says "We still on for tonight?" With one eyebrow up. "Of course! Did you tell Claire?" She's says enthusiastically, voice full of excitement.
   Paisley replies with content. "I did" she says. Harper smiles and shuts her locker. "Great" She says, smile gleaming. Paisley smiles back a excited smile.
   "I gotta go!" Says Harper "Biology isn't gonna pass itself!" Harper makes her way down the hallway. Paisley smiles.
   "Hey Claire!" Paisley says as Claire approaches her. "You coming tonight?" She asks. "Yes" Claire says quietly with a soft smile. "Great" Paisley says back, flashing her famous smile.
   The bell rings, and the girls almost feel guilty for beings late, but they don't.
   The students all scurry to their designated classrooms while Claire and Paisley giggle as they walk to English together.
   As Harper places down her notebook on her desk, she notices Cameron staring at her, from the corner of her eye. She smiles to herself.
   Cameron begins to approach Harper and Harper feels a flutter in her stomach.
   He leans on her desk. "What are you doing tonight" he asks confidently. Harper smiles up at him. "Sleepover with the girls" she says softly and nervously as she twirls her soft blonde hair.
   "Ahh! Well maybe we can hang out next Friday?" Cameron asks, less confident. "Of course!" Harper says, still twirling her light soft hair. Cameron smiles and goes back to his desk.
   Harper smiles to herself, letting go of the hair on her finger.
   "You're so full of shit." A voice says next to her. To the right of her.
   "Huh?" Harper says as she turns her head quickly to the right.
   "You're so full of shit" the girl repeats again.
   She has long curly dirty blonde hair and soft cherry lips.
   "My name is Cindy." She says again, her voice bland "Cindy Roth. And you.. Well you are full of shit".
   "Excuse me" Harper says, surprised to hear a cuss.
   "You are totally leading him on" Cindy says. "There is no way you like him!" She snorts to herself and goes back to drawing on her journal.
   "So what?" Harper says, chin up. "He makes me feel pretty."
   "That's the worst thing I have ever heard anyone say" Cindy says as she draws on her journal.
   Harper rolls her eyes and goes to her bag to take out her pencil pouch.
   Claire and Paisley stumble into English class, almost like a drunk couple.
   "Late pass?" Says Mr. Castillo sternly. Paisley and Claire giggle again.
   Mr.Castillo stares at them, in expectance of an answer.
    "I got this" Paisley whispers, confidence and concern lingering in her voice.
   "Sir.. I had a- I had a um- a girl problem.. and Claire she helped me-" Says Paisley softly before she got cut off "I don't need to hear anymore!" Says Mr.Castillo "you girls are excused!" He says quickly. "We are on chapter 17. Page 213."
   Claire and Paisley nod, trying very hard to hold in their giggles as they make their ways to their seats.
   The bell rings and 6th period is over, and the girls are excited to see each other again and chat about their sleepover tonight.
   Paisley and Claire walk out of their English class, down the hall from Harpers biology class, and are still giggling about Mr.Castillos reaction to their fake late excuse.
   Harper waves at them, her shiny long blonde hair making Paisley and Claire notice her right away.
   Paisley waves back, while Claire still talks to her.
   They meet in the middle of the hallway at Harpers locker, the designated hangout spot, the hub.
   "You won't believe what happened" Harper says, a gleam in her eyes. "What happened" Paisley says, rolling her eyes and looking at Claire. Claire and Paisley giggle
   Harper rolls her eyes. "Guys! This is real!" She says, almost jumping up and down.
   "Let me guess" Claire says in her normal quiet voice "A boy asked you out and you delayed it to almost a week later" Paisley giggles quietly.
   Harpers eyes get big along with her smile and she turns around to shut her locker door.
   "Told ya so." Claire says with a smirk on her face.
   Paisley laughs out loud and punches Claire's shoulder, that her black curly hair rests on.
   Cindy Roth, the mean girl from biology class walks by them with some girl with long black hair and blue eyes and giggles excruciatingly loudly and obnoxiously.
   "Ignore her" Harper says. "Who is she" asks Paisley. "Some hater from my biology class" answers Harper. "I think she might like Cameron" she says and giggles.
   "I don't think so Harper" says Claire quietly "She and that girl seem really close"
   Paisley snorts and laughs. "You're so stupid Claire"
   Claire smiles a soft smile.
   "Let's stop talking about those dummies!" Says Harper enthusiastically "let's talk about tonight!!"
   "I'm so excited" says Claire
   "Let's paint our nails!" Says Harper
   "Let's talk about boys! Says Paisley
   "Let's do face masks!" Says Harper
   "Let's do a braid train!" Says Claire
   "Let's talk to my dead dad!" Says Paisley.

   "What?!?" Says Claire and Harper. "I found a ouija board in my attic.. I figured- maybe we could talk to my dad."
   "Okay.." Says Harper unsure "That might be fun.."
    "I don't know guys.." Says Claire with concern sprinkled in her tone of voice "I've heard bad things about those boards"
   "It'll be okay Claire" Says Paisley with her hand on her Claire's shoulder "As long as we follow the rules we will be okay"
   "Okay.." Says Claire, still concerned.
The bell rings for 7th period start and the girls jump. "Not again!" Paisley moans. Harper and Claire giggle.
Then Harper realizes the situation. "Oh my god! I'm late!" She says as she zooms down the hallway hugging her bright pink notebook as her wavy blonde hair follows behind her
The bell rings, and school is over for the week. Students are clamoring about their weekend plans and are exhilarated for their weekend fun.
Especially Harper, Paisley, and Claire.
   The girls stand by Harpers bright red Jeep, tired, but fired up for the nights events.
   "Hey Paisley" Harper says "Do we need to go to your house to pick up your Ouija board?"
    Claire makes a face of discomfort
    "Oh no, I brought it in my sleepover bag" she says with a soft smile. "Where did y'all even keep your sleepover bags" Harper says and laughs.
   "We kept them in our lockers for the day" Claire says softly.
   "Wanna head out you guys?" Harper says, excitement sprinkled in her voice.
    "Yess!" Paisley says "I'm dying of excitement here!" Claire chuckles.
    The girls pile into the car, Claire sits in the back, Paisley in the passenger, and Harper driving.
   On the way to Harpers house they blast "I like it" by Cardi B and sing along.
   "I like dollars I like diamonds" they scream unapologetically.
   Laughs and happiness fill the car. It wouldn't be like that for long. And for some reason.
   Claire knew

The Terrible Night With My Friends Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora