The box

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I take a sip from my gas station coffee. The coffee grounds at floating at the bottom disgusted me. I set the coffee on the counter. I glared at the shoe box ahead of me. The shoe box from Josie Coleman. I pursed my lips and walked over. I grabbed scissors on the way. I sliced the tape and flipped open the lid to see books.

”Why did Josie send me books?” I asked myself. I took out every book and counted them, a baker’s dozen. Thirteen Reasons Why, Looking for Alaska, Papertowns, Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay, The Tragedy Paper , Fault in Our Stars, Twilight, New Moon, Breaking Down, If I Stay, and Where She Went. I was set back by reveling Josie’s favorite books. I picked up each book and examined it. There was nothing going on with the books. But when I got to Papertowns a little paper fell out. I squatted down and grabbed the neon pink paper. I unfolded the paper, to see cursive writing. It read:

Dear Robyn,

This is just a little note informing you. I have died, killed myself to be more exact. I have sent you 13 books, with these books you must read them very carefully. The highlighted parts are very important to figuring out what happened. Read them VERY carefully, for they tell you what to do.

I stopped reading. Why did Josie want to me to read the books? Am I a reason like in Thirteen Reasons Why? I shook my head; I’m probably over thinking this. Josie wasn’t stupid, she might act stupid but she knew what she was doing. She had a very good reason why these books showed up on my doorstep. I laied the note on the counter and walked slowly into the living room. I went straight it the bookshelf in the far right corner. I pulled out every book, trying to find some kind of clue. 

"What are you doing?" asked my sister, Hannah. I glanced over to the counter and back to her. I shoved dad's reading book back in the shelf.

"O-oh nothing-g j-ust trying to find a bo-ok," I studded,"For my book project" she wasn't buying it. Her perfectly plicked eyebrows raised at me. Her black hair moved as she shifted her weight.

"If something is wrong you can tell me, I know how it feels to lose a friend," she spoke with kind eyes. I looked down at my old riped converes. I heard her heels began to walk, I looked up to see her coming my way with her arms out. I stayed still. I'm not a hugging kind of person. Hannah pulled me into the hug, making her boobs press against my small, skinny body. 

"I will be here for you" she whispered in my ear. I broke off the hug. And started to walk into the kitchen.

"Thanks, but I should get back to my project," I walked faster to avoid her response. I shut the kitchen doors and locked them. My coffee was gone and so was 2 books. I began to look franticly around the kitchen. When I reached the garage door, my heart dropped. My father was home.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2014 ⏰

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