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I just moved from Beverly Hills CA to this stupid little town in

Maine. I'm Bella and well this is how one dress changed my life. I

left all my friends behind in California and my boyfriend well my ex

boyfriend, now who do I have? I have my dad and my twin sister, Anna.

I can't believe we moved in winter did I mention Maine! Well at least

there's a mallhere I would die without one.

I said to my dad, "So

where is this mall anyway?" He said, "It’s around here somewhere sweetie

pie. Are you excited for your first pair of boots?" Holy shit does he

think I’m three I mean I’m 15 and 3/4. So, I said' "Dad it’s not that

exciting but I am excited to see what these kids look like." We found

it, the mall it looked a little small but it was okay... I guess. We

went in and there standing in front of the sears was him I had no idea

who he was but he was gorgeous. Golden surfer hair and the most green

eyes like the green of crayola crayons on a piece on white paper they

just pop. Then he looked at me and smiled, he saw me. I guess I do

stick out. I did live in California and most of these girls have dark

hair and white skin me I have hair as white as snow and the tannest

skin in the world, well almost. I kept walking and in payless I saw

these pair of really furry boots the fur wasn't your plain Jane color

either they were tie died and no one bought any of them so I said

"These are really cool dad!" pointing at them "How much do they cost?"

I said in a hushed tone sort of to myself but my dad said "As long as

you will wear them you can get them." All I could think was yes they

were so cool so we bought them and they turned out to be 53.97 with

the tax, that wasn’t that bad. We walked around the mall

a little bit and in and out of stores. Anna never found anything for

her cute little girly girl, pretty in pink style. We got to our new

house about 2. It was a nice big house in fact the biggest on the

street. It was awhite house with black design around the windows.

There were four bedrooms. We got in the house and I shouted "Go" We

ran so fast up the stairs I got to the one on the end of the hallway

let's just say I was lucky. I got the balcony. Anna yelled "Yes I got

my own bathroom" I chuckled a little. Dad got the biggest room he got

his own bathroom too. But what he didn't know was that he had a secret

room. Of course neither did I, Then, we got our rooms perfect except

the color all the rooms were black and white just like the outside. I

already know what I am doing to my room. I am going to paint splatter

the walls which were stripes already. "Dad" I said walking down the

stairs. He said "Yeah Bella?" Since we live so close to

the school we had to walk. So I asked. "Okay so we walk to school

right?" Dad asked, "Yeah is there a problem with that?" I said stoically, "No I just wondered." I

went up to my new room and out on my balcony which Anna still didn't

know about and sat there thinking of that boy I saw in front of Sears

with the green eyes and how old he was and if he was in my grade. Shit, we have school tomorrow I still haven’t picked anything out to wear. I went into my room and picked out a pair of

black skinny jeans and my favorite neon long sleeve shirt. As I fell

asleep I was wondering if anyone was going to like me tomorrow at

school. Don't worry about that just yet. Now get to


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