Bury It

134 12 18

You had my heart once,

You want it back,

I’ll throw it at you,

Catch and do what you want with it,

Nothing matters anymore since there is no us,

So why don’t you just bury it,

Yeah beloved, go bury it,

I might not it need anymore,

Bury it…

With it plead to the Lord to erase our story,

No more romance,

No tender kisses from you.

Bury it…

While you are doing so,

Bury your memories of me too,

We are just good pals now,

So bury the past and my heart,

Plead to Lord to erase my dreams of you,

No more thought in what could have been.

 Bury it all,

As you always consoled me that life goes on,

So let’s go ahead on two roads that

Divert in the woods,

Let us create a new me,

A new you,

You deserve it,

So do I.

Bury all pain,

All sorrow,

Let the shattered pieces lay on the floor,

It’s a broken mirror,

The cracks will always remain,

There was a time,

You were my divine angel,

I  was your grace,

It ended,

So bury it,

Oh yeah,

Bury it,

 No more memories please,

You saved me once,

Again you may,

On the beach,

The forest,

The street,

Tenderness combined with passion,

It hurts so deep,

Bury it,

Please bury it,

Dig deep,

No need to ever  be undug,

Once buried,

Forever to remain under the soil,

Now go bury it,

Bury it,

Bury it,

Bury it..…

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