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When world-weary hack Heston McBee decides to end it all, it's just the beginning… 

Little does he realise when he flings himself off a bridge that he is heading into an adventure like no other. Rescued from the river by ferryman Old Sid, he is taken to Tintennet, a beautiful coastal village hiding a dark secret. Here, he meets a motley crew of societal drop-outs, each concealing a tragic past: Archie, owner of the Layback Surf Shack; kooky Flower, bustling landlady Genoa and Marjie, the odd lady who chats with magpies. 

Unexpectedly given a second chance at life, McBee begins to enjoy his new home, all the time battling his stubborn journalistic instincts which are telling him that the perfect seaside village isn't perfect after all... 

One night he begins to read The Book of Wom - an old book given to him by Sid before they parted - and inadvertently summons its author... Enter Vombatus Ursinus Vinnuelo A’Sup - or Vinnie, for short - a 3,000 year-old Mystical Wombat Guide with a penchant for food and the key to McBee's destiny. 

Together, they must face the mysterious, all-powerful Organisation and uncover Tintennet's shocking secret...

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