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Sungjin had walked around their dressing room for at least fifteen minutes. He was pacing without being able to take a decision. Being the leader of the band, decisions ought to be his forte, but this one seemed more stressful than the ones he usually faced with the agency. It wasn't that difficult, though. Turn the handle, walk in the room and it would be settled.

He tiptoed toward a little round window in the middle of their practice studio's door. It gave a perfect view of the room and he used the opportunity to gaze at the young man inside. As usual, he was sitting on the little bench, in front of his keyboard to practice a song he already mastered. Eyes close, he was flying away with the notes he hit so easily. He was so gorgeous. Even if he kept saying the contrary, his heart couldn't deny the growing feelings.

He hesitated again for a long time, torturing his hands as much as his brain. He self-disciplined mentally, he could not go on in this way eternally. His fingers tightened toward the handle, he finally made his mind.

As he was ready to move, the door opened suddenly and he jumped away. Wonpil was standing by the door frame in front of him and holding the door open for him.

"Did you want something leader-sshi?" The man of his heart asked with a hint of tease in the way he pronounced his official title.

Sungjin's heart pounded. It felt heavy in his chest, almost breaking his bust. It had been long enough. All those years together and nothing changed. It could not stop, it seemed. He needed to make a move, anything. Confess.

"I ... didn't you see my harmonica?"

Tomorrow. Yeah, maybe tomorrow ... one day, for sure.

Hard to say I love you [SungPil] (5+1/completed)Where stories live. Discover now