Chapter One

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I looked at her. She was beautiful. I loved her. I mean who didn't? I, for sure loved her.The dim lighting made her pale skin look magnificent. The dim lighting made her hair look darker than usual. I smiled as her chest rises and falls under the blankets. Her body was warm next to mine. It was extremely comforting. I also smiled because she was mine. But this isn't a sappy story. Well I'm not very sappy at all....most of the time. This isn't a happy story either. So what is it then? A tragedy i guess you can say. To understand lets go back to September 14th 2009.

September 14th 2009

I walked along the gravel. My heart was racing. My mind was somewhere else at the time, I forgot where. I guess it was with her. Claire. I'd loved her since the 8th grade. I promised to always love her. i sighed and took in a gulp of fresh air. Today was the day i was going to ask her if she loved me. I was extremely nervous. I looked around the park. It was desolate. I was alone standing at the edge of the woods near the park.

The swings swung in the cold wind. it was cold. But she promised to meet me here. She promised. My black bangs swung into my face. I sighed. Is she coming? She promised me. Then i got it. The smell of honey suckles and cinnamon. I felt lightheaded. A hand touches my shoulder. That touch made me shiver. I turned around.

She stood there smiling. Her cheeks flushed and pink. Her smile a breath a spring. Her hair was a black abyss against her skin. Her emerald green eyes filled with a emotion i couldn't identify.

"Hello." I smiled

"Hiya!" she cocked a black eyebrow"So.."

"Um...uh." i stuttered and pulled a blank. Her eyes gazed intently in mine. "Whats up?"

"Well the sky silly." She laughed. Her laughs as soft and beautiful as summer rain.

I laughed and blushed then stuffed my hands into my pocket. "Yeah. Um. Claire?"

"Yes?" she asked her eyebrows cocked.

"I wanted to ask..." my voice suddenly caught in my throat.

"Cat got your tongue?" she smiled and her other hand touched my other shoulder sending shivers.

"Um....Yeah" i laughed my palms started sweating.

"Okay. let me make this easy." she said dropping her hands and smiling "lets play charades and ill guess what your trying to say."

I laughed. She was always making everything into a little game. "Oh okay."

I held up five fingers.

"Five words." she said

I nodded. I smiled still nervous. i held up one finger.

"1st word."

I nodded. i spelled out do with my hands. my stomach churned.

she laughed. ""

i nodded. pointed to her.


I nodded my heart racing again. i made a heart out of my hands.

"Love." she said slowly her eyes recognizing what i was going to do next. She cheeks flushed.

I nodded and held my breath. I pointed to myself.


I nodded. She looked down not smiling. Her eyes thoughtful. Dread filled my gut.

She looked up at me a look of pity on her face. She nodded. A smile slowly crept on her face. "I do love you."

"R-really?" I asked my heart racing.

"Yeah." she smiled and laughed "you look surprised."

"Well i am." i sputtered out

She smiled "I love you Kale. Your my best friend of course i love you."

Oh! Ouch. Just a friend. I knew it!

I smiled slightly for her sake. But my heart was secretly aching. "Yeah. Friends love each other. I knew that."

She smiled and nodded. "Oh Kale what time is it?"

i checked my watch "12." i look at her. A spark of happiness in her eyes.

"Oh well i got to go run. I'm meeting up with Ryan today. We're going to a movie." She smiles then adds quickly "Please come. He told me i could invite people."

Ryan?!?! My best friend!!?!?!?! What!?!?! He betrayed me!?!?!

I held me sadness and anger. I shook my head. "No i can't."

"No i insist." she grabbed my hand

"No." i stated my heart aching. A knife inside of it. MY whole chest was burning. i shook her hand away. MY FREAKING BEST FRIEND?!?!?

"Fine." her face falls her eyes not angry and hurt."I'll just go have fun with Ryan. Without you."

The knife dug in a little farther without even trying. I nodded my jaw tense.

She turns around and wraps her blue scarf around her neck. Her pants looked nice on her. Her shirt a weird shade of purple. she begins to walk away her converse making a crunching noise on the gravel. I sigh and look down.

"Oh." she turns around her eyes hurt. "Kale, don't expect my call tonight."

Ouch. I nodded. She turned abruptly and walked away. I stood there like a mouse stuck on those sticky traps. She just left me. I stood there for about 20 minutes before i got to cold. I got a text from Ryan. It read Dude maybe we can hang tomorrow. I'm just busy with some stuff. Ouch that stings. His words hurt but.

Her word hurt so much worse. I walked into the woods my legs weak. The sound of the wind and the bird making my ears hurt.I would deal with him later. I wouldn't forget this.

But, the best thing about me I guess is, I always spring back. By tomorrow this will be a distant memory.



So you now know a little bit about Kale. You know a little bit about Claire. Now stay tuned to figure out about Ryan.

Criticism would be cool. Also tell me what you think:)

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