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"When this happened, I couldn't believe it." Kitten says in a worried voice.

"Was God trying to punish us? I'm scared. Are we even going to survive this?"

"Kitt, shut up!" I said to her. "You need to calm down. We will be fine. We just need to find supplies that will last us for a week or so." I exclaimed, my eyes scanning the shelves a couple times to find some kind of supplies. Food, water, clothes, anything I could find, but I didn't see anything useful. Until I went to the very back of the store. I saw a door that said employees only. I said to myself, "I'm not an employee but I'm going to walk in anyway."

I was walking toward the door until I heard something scratching the wall. I stopped and looked around to see what was making the scratching noise. I didn't see anything, so it probably was just my imagination. I started walking toward the door again, but then I heard it once more. It sounded like it was getting closer and closer.

I started to get scared. Then I saw a dark figure against the wall. I closed my eyes and shook my head, saying, "No I'm just imagining things. There is nothing there." I open my eyes to see if the dark figure was gone.

It was still there, but even closer than last time. I didn't want to wait to see what it would do next. So I ran into the employee room and locked the door. My heart was beating faster than a hummingbirds wings. I could barely breathe, that's how scared I was. I tried to calm myself, but I couldn't do it.

After a couple minutes I started to calm down. When I was fully calmed down I got up to look around some more. I figured I might as well tell Ashlei what I saw earlier.

'Zoie? Where are you?" I heard Kitten say from across the store.

"Kitt, you need to come back here to the employees room. Quickly!"

"Why do I have to come ba-" I heard Kitten say, before a blood curdling scream reached my ears.

I hurried out of the employees room saying, "Kitten, where are you?"

"I'm over here. Help me!" She said while screaming. I ran around the corner to see that she was getting dragged by something. That something had rough looking skin, yet was slimy as its hand latched onto Kitten's ankle. The claws were digging harshly into her skin, making me cringe as she screamed in agony.

"Kitten! Don't struggle! I'll save you!" I quickly called to the struggling girl. My hand fumbled in my bag for a flashlight, hoping that it would work as I flipped the switch on. I aimed it at the creature, feeling a wave of relief wash over me as it hissed and turned to retreat back through a hole in the window.

I ran over to Kitten to help her up. She could barely stand up.

"We have to head back to the employee room. Before whatever that thing was, comes back." I said to her in a frightened voice.

When Kitten and I were heading back to the employees room, we heard noises. It was the same noise, but it sounded like more than one.

"Do you think there is more of those things?" Kitten said in a worried voice. "Are they going to kill us?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to find out. We need to head to the employees room. Now!" I said to her.

"Why don't we just leave this place?" Kitten said, her voice slightly wavering in fright. She glanced behind us, and a screech fell from her mouth. I instinctively looked back at what she was looking at, and it was horrifying. There were monsters everywhere, following us, with teeth and claws ready to attack.


Hii! This is my new story, and my friend is helping me. Her name is Kitten! Her wattpad- @ KittyMunchkinss Follow her! Thanks a lot!


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