Chapter 12

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Wow, this chapter is crappy. I was blocked up partially because I didn’t know what to write in some parts, and partially because I wasn’t in the mood, after months and months of not writing due to my exams. Excuse the nonsense I’ve put here, I’m trying to build up to the main storyline!

Chapter 12


I know it’s been a while,

I wonder where you are,

And if you think of me sometimes,

Cause you’re always on my mind.”

-Beautiful feat. Justin Bieber, Carly Rae Jepsen

Alexandria Davis

“Mom, are you coming?” Austin asked, clutching his two trophies in one hand and wrapping the other around my waist.

“Nah,” she declined, shaking her head. “I’ll call up a cab and head home.”

He nodded, “Alright… could you take these?” he held out the golden statuettes, and she nodded.

“They’ll be waiting for you on the kitchen table,” she gathered them in both her hands and shot him a smile.

Austin returned the gesture, and then turned to Rocco, “Can you wait with her until the cab arrives?” he nodded in agreement, and Austin gave him a word of thanks. “Then let’s head on,” he told me and Dave.

“Bye, Michele,” I called out, “I’ll see you later.”

“Bye, have fun you guys!” she called out. “And, don’t drink, Austin!”

“Mom!” Austin hissed suddenly, before gesturing at the crowd around us in embarrassment; Michele just laughed. Shaking his head, and muttering something along the lines of “in public” and “adult”, he began to pull me towards the car. He yanked the door to the waiting limousine open, and I scrambled inside before he followed behind. Dave, meanwhile, took the other side, and sat down alone in the middle row. He gave the chauffer the destination’s address, and we sped on.

Once the awards show had ended, Austin had received a text telling him about the decided venue for the after-party. Somebody had rented out a downtown bar, and that was where we’d all be celebrating the winners. Ironically, Austin himself was underage, but was the one of the big winners of the night. He’d received the Social Artist award, the Best Male, and Right Here had won Best Duo. I was particularly excited for this party for two reasons: one being that I’d meet Taylor again and the other being the fact that One Direction were coming, as well. They had been honored for being the Top Group; Austin promised he’d introduce me to them.

It took no less than ten minutes for us to reach the Mynt Lounge. Austin stepped out, and I quickly got to my feet behind him before he could offer me his hand. He shot a playful sneer my way as I rose to his height the moment he turned around, and I responded with a giggle and shrug before pushing the door and grabbing his arm. “C’mon,” I said excitedly, tugging him. I heard him chuckle as he followed behind me. Dave, who had plans for himself for the duration of the after party, was forgotten as we made our way. A bouncer took our names, verified our invitation by asking for the text message, and wordlessly let us in.

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