I sense their excitement. He is half-blind with desire. She by anticipation.

 They are unaware of our approach.

 At a secluded cliffside, he sets the brake and turns to her. She teases him playfully, in ways meant to enflame. There is no ambiguity.

 We circle behind, enjoying such simple, honest lusts. Backing away, we dip over the cliff, then cruise along its face until directly below them.

 We turn on all our pulsing glows to make our craft its gaudiest!

 We start to rise.

 No one will believe their story. But more than one kind of seed will have been sown tonight.


“There's a saying that applies here. 'Absence of evidence is not evidence for absence.' While Project SETI hasn't logged any verified signals from the few stars we've looked at, that doesn't prove noone's out there!

 “... Yeah, sure. The same could apply to UFOs, if you insist.

 “But while SETI has to sift a vast cosmos for radio sources -- a real case of hunting needles in haystacks -- it's harder to explain the absence of decent evidence for flying saucers on Earth. It's a small planet, after all. If ETs have been mucking around here for as long for as some folks say, isn't it funny they never dropped any clear-cut alien artifacts for us to examine? Say, the Martian equivalent of a Coke bottle?”


We are flying over eastern Canada on key-patrol ... creating temporary, microscopic singularities in random houses to swallow wallets, car keys, homework assignments, socks. Meanwhile some of us reach out to invade the dreams of sleeping men and women, those most susceptible.

 Gryffinloch plays the radio talk show in the background as we work. We laugh as this idiotic scientist talks of “alien artifacts.”

 Such stupid assumptions! We do not make things of hard, unyielding matter! I have never held a Coke bottle. Even those human babes we steal, to raise as our own, find painful the latent heat in glass and metal, which were forged in flame.

 Men have built their proud new civilization around such things. But why, when they had us? Can iron nourish as we do? We deal in a different heat. Ours inflames the heart.  


“Yes, yes.... For those of you who don't read the Enquirer, this caller's asking my opinion of one of the most famous UFO tales -- about a ship that supposedly crashed in New Mexico, right after World War II. “They” have been clandestinely studying the wreckage in a hangar at an Air Force Base in Dayton for forty years, right?

 “Now, isn't that news to just boil the blood of honest citizens? There goes the big bad government, keeping secrets from us again!

 “But wait, suppose we do have remnants of some super-duper, alien warp-drive scout ship from Algerdeberon Eleventeen. Do you see any technologies pouring out of Ohio that look like they came from outer space? I mean, besides supermarket checkout scanners -- I'll grant you those.

 “Come on, would our balance of payments be in the shape it's in if...

 “ ... Oh yes? It's being kept top secret? Okay, here's a second question. Just who do you suppose has been discretely studying the wreckage all this time?

 “... Government engineers. Uh-huh. Have you ever met an engineer, pal? They're not faceless drones like in some stupid secret agent movie. At least most aren't. They're intelligent Americans like you and me, with wives and husbands and kids.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2012 ⏰

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