Chapter 5 - Kiss Me

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Rhian’s P.O.V

        I walked slowly up the path towards the back door of our house, the smile never fading from my face. It was the first time I’d been truly happy for the longest time, as stupid as it sounds, it felt like I was glowing.

        “Mom, I’m home!” I called into the dark, quiet house. I wandered over to where I knew my mom would be, sitting diligently at her desk, busy going over files and such.

        “Hi mom,” I said quietly, placing my hand on her back.

        “Hmm? Oh, hello Rhian.” She sighed heavily, adding another piece of paper to the mountainous pile that was in front of her.

        “You should stop mom, you’ve been at this all night.” It was true, when I had left to go see Chris after training; she had sat herself down in her chair and started working.

        “No Rhian! I can’t stop working! Unlike you, some of can’t go about frivolously spending our days away doing whatever the hell we want, unlike you; some of us have to work!” Her eyes burned with a fire, her mouth in a deep frown, her eye brows pierced downwardly. I made myself swallow, mumbling out an apology, heading up the stairs to my bed.


        I woke up early, for once in my life, and I wasn’t all that tired. I stretched my arms up, staring out at the rising sun. My eyes wavered, glancing at the scars on my wrists.

        “For once Rhian, you are going to do something you love today.” I promised myself, almost jumping out of my bed. I quickly got up, brushing my teeth and putting my hair up in a tight bun. I pulled on a pair of spandex, an old tee shirt, and stuffed my soccer stuff in an old adidas bag, rushing out the door. I hadn’t kicked a soccer ball around in weeks; my heart wasn’t in it anymore.

        “But that’s going to change today Rhian. You’re going to play because you love it. There is nothing to stop you.” I was jittery, making me too excited. I couldn’t take it anymore, I saw a glimpse of the open field, and started sprinting towards it. I ran onto the empty field, sitting down right in the center, quickly pulling my gear on. I don’t know how long I played for, dribbling up and down the pitch, bending the ball around imaginary defenders, sniping killer shots into the back of the net, but it must have been hours. All I knew is that I felt something I hadn’t felt in forever, it felt like I was home.


Chris’ P.O.V

        “So are you going to ask her?” Tom pestered me, not giving up.

        “I don’t know mate...” I groaned, pulling on my dry hoodie over my wet chest. “Who are you taking?”

        “I was going to see if Cailyn would come with me, I mean, if she’s going with no one else.”

        “You still like her then?”

        “Yeah, I think I’ll always like her, you know? I’ll always have a soft spot for her.” Tom admitted, shoving his hands in his pockets as we made our way out of the locker room.

        “Hey wait up!” Jack called after us. “So Chris, are you taking Rhian tonight?”

        “Why is everyone asking me?” I sighed in frustration, spinning the zipper on my bag.

        “Because, everyone knows you like her.” Jack pointed out bluntly.

        “Yes, I like her, but would it be weird if I asked her? I’m kind of scared to be honest.”

Echoes - A Chris Mears & Tom Daley story (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now